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  1. T

    My CFL Aquarium Stand Grow!

    Or should I just order some AK-48 seeds now instead of next week like I planned? lol
  2. T

    My CFL Aquarium Stand Grow!

    No Im not worried about burning. with the new fan I installed it stays like 75 degrees in there with only the 4 6500k bulbs that im running right now.. I was just worried maybe it would be too intense for them to recover
  3. T

    My CFL Aquarium Stand Grow!

    Do you guys think I should put them about 6" from the lights for a couple days just for less stress?
  4. T

    My CFL Aquarium Stand Grow!

    I think the one on the far right should make it for sure right?
  5. T

    My CFL Aquarium Stand Grow!

    well I think I may have killed them with that mistake I made.. here they are today.. what do you guys think?
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    My CFL Aquarium Stand Grow!

    4 of the plants curled up and yellow pretty bad earlier on today because I hung a fan just behind the lights for a draft because I thought it would cool them off... but when I got back 2 hours later I seen what it did to the plants... so as soon as I noticed I went and bought the emergency...
  7. T

    My CFL Aquarium Stand Grow!

    Yea I have 2X exhaust 1 at bottom 1 at top and an intake on the bottom stays nice and cold in there now... I also put up one of the emergency blankets so hopefully the plants recover
  8. T

    My CFL Aquarium Stand Grow!

    Earlier I made the mistake of putting a fan blowing on the lights in hopes to cool them off, but it blew the hot air on my plants for to long and now all but 1 is shrivled up and pretty yellow... i hope they make it!
  9. T

    My CFL Aquarium Stand Grow!

    Just added 3 more bulbs.... plants still have not even BUDGED!
  10. T

    My CFL Aquarium Stand Grow!

    Yea I made that mistake... i guess I did it all to quick! today Im going to buy the camping blankets and put the fans on top
  11. T

    My CFL Aquarium Stand Grow!

    I am also adding another 80mm pc case fan as we speak to blow through the lights and over the plants. I forgot to mention there is also 2 80mm pc fans as outtakes in the bottom corners to vent the hot air
  12. T

    My CFL Aquarium Stand Grow!

    Latest pics of what they are looking like... two of the plants are looking a bit yellow now on the tips of the leaves and they are both on the same side... so i think thise bulbs are getting a little to warm with how close they are... so I lowered them about 3/4 an inch. The little sprout in...
  13. T

    My CFL Aquarium Stand Grow!

    I agree mang, but tomorrow I am ordering some nirvana AK-48 because none of the weed I buy has seeds!
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    My CFL Aquarium Stand Grow!

    tomorrow I am buying pots for them, but I am going to transplant them when they mature a little more... probably when they grow their second or third set of leaves
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    My CFL Aquarium Stand Grow!

    they are all on 24/0 now
  16. T

    My CFL Aquarium Stand Grow!

    okay i am out of sandwich bags but i will use plastic wrap/// but what happens if the plants get big enough to touch the plastic? they aren't to far from the tops of the cups now.
  17. T

    My CFL Aquarium Stand Grow!

    temps are pretty good... staying around 80 degrees... but I cant get any humidity in there! I have a couple of cups full of water in there so it evaporates and creates some but its not working to well
  18. T

    My CFL Aquarium Stand Grow!

    I came to the conclusion its lack of water? I was told to not water them for the first whole week... but the soil was completely 1000% dry... so I just gave them enough water to drop out the bottoms of the cups a little bit... ill see how they are doing when I wake up in a few hours!But whats up...
  19. T

    How many CFL lights do I need?

    for one or two plants I would suggest somewhere between 150-200 watts. make sure you look at the actual wattage and not the eqivilent wattage. And try and use 5600k bulbs or 'daylight' bulbs during veg.
  20. T

    My CFL Aquarium Stand Grow!

    Well the plants have now been sprouted for 48 hours and there is no new growth what-so-ever! The leaves look green but the stems look almost purple... when I look at other peoples grow journals after 2 days they are usually doubled in size???