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  1. T

    My CFL Aquarium Stand Grow!

    Switched them over to flowering today... so as of 12AM friday morning they start their first 12 hours rest! I also switched over all of the bulbs to 2700K except for two. Hopefully Ill at least get one female! If it so happens they are both males can I just grow em out and make hash? Would it...
  2. T

    My CFL Aquarium Stand Grow!

    well I am going to have to start flower on friday.... if thwy do grow up to triple their height they will be too tall for the grow!
  3. T

    My CFL Aquarium Stand Grow!

    Another picture update! I decided to scrap the big fan in there, it just took up to much room and I had to sacrifice lighting on one plant because of it so it just wasn't worth it. I am only running 6 bulbs right now to keep the temps down... but 6 isn't bad for 2 plants anyways.. that's 141...
  4. T

    My CFL Aquarium Stand Grow!

    Any ideas for exhausting? What if I put two PC fans back to back for the exhaust to blow double the air? would that work?
  5. T

    My CFL Aquarium Stand Grow!

    Well here is my latest fan idea... I put the big box fan blowing in the corner and its all air tight so it blows directly out where the pc fan is... which helped get the heat out ALOT. It stays at about 85 now no matter what which quite a few bulbs on! Plants are starting to grow a bit again.
  6. T

    My CFL Aquarium Stand Grow!

    I moved the big fan to help blow air out in the other corner.... it works alot better like this and with 6 lights turned on it only reads in at like 85 degrees! QUICK QUESTION! Can I stack PC Case fans together? Like put two fans together and make it double thick to blow twice the air?
  7. T

    My CFL Aquarium Stand Grow!

    Did some upgrading tonight to the grow... First of all I added the big box fan you see.... behind it is a 80MM intake fan with a pipe leading under the cab which is cold fresh air... so the big fan basicly sucks that air in and blows it on the bulbs at the top... also at the top there is a...
  8. T

    My CFL Aquarium Stand Grow!

    Well I added another light as well as finally adding a thermometer last night.... this morning I open it up and its 100 degrees F... didn't do any damage to the plants I dont think... but damn this space is way too small for the amount of lights I am using! I am looking into moving my bedroom...
  9. T

    My CFL Aquarium Stand Grow!

    well I havn't updated this in awhile basicly because a few nights ago I tried to lightporrof my cabinet 100% when its pitch black in my room and I blocked off the circulation a little to much and in the morning the plants were pretty fried and it was like 95-100 degrees in there. So I fixed the...
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    My CFL Aquarium Stand Grow!

    Starting to grow faster....
  11. T

    My CFL Aquarium Stand Grow!

    what kind of nutes do i get for veg? something like 15-5-15 right?
  12. T

    My CFL Aquarium Stand Grow!

    BIG surprise when I opened it up this morning! SO much growth for 12 hours!!
  13. T

    My CFL Aquarium Stand Grow!

    would 12/12 be fine on friday?
  14. T

    My CFL Aquarium Stand Grow!

    Okay so the FIRST picture is 3 DAYS ago. Second picture is this morning, and 3rd picture is the plants this morning. What do you guys think of the light placement now? Also what do you think about the new growth? You can see the slight nute burn too
  15. T

    My CFL Aquarium Stand Grow!

    Haha wait until I post new pics today, and youll see how much growth there was in just 3 days!
  16. T

    My CFL Aquarium Stand Grow!

    Plants quite obviously like the new soil. Growth started back up fll pace again yesterday and now they have almost doubled in size and are on their 3rd set of leaves. oh and I made the mistake yesterday of adding a tiny bit of nutes and they got ever so slightly nute burned, but its all good
  17. T

    My CFL Aquarium Stand Grow!

    This is exactly how they are always sitting and there is a better pic of the grow! I am definatly noticing a tiny bit of new growth now, hopefully it goes good from here on in! Should I move them closer to the lights?
  18. T

    My CFL Aquarium Stand Grow!

    They are responding well I think, except one of them is getting some yellowing on the tips of two leaves
  19. T

    My CFL Aquarium Stand Grow!

    Big update - I transplanted them into bigger pots and Shultz premium potting soil last night. How long will it take before they take off in growing? And how good is this soil? Its the best I could find here because its fall now.
  20. T

    My CFL Aquarium Stand Grow!

    Somebody on another site told me he clearly sees both nute burn and over watering???