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  1. T

    My second grow - Nirvana Northern Lights CFL

    Here are some pics so far they are crappy quality my good camera is charging right now. I will update this thread with more details later and as people ask questions.. so anything you want to know just ask! Also refer to my last grow for more info...
  2. T

    Cfl Closet Grow, 3 plants from seed.

    Looks to me like you got some stunted growth due to temps... my last batch of plants looked the same and the temps were about 95 degrees which is not TERRIBLE but its hot enough to almost stop them from growing all together and after a long time will probably kill them. By the way when I say...
  3. T

    My CFL Aquarium Stand Grow!

    Which? The bag-seed buds or the 5 Nirvana N.L.?
  4. T

    My CFL Aquarium Stand Grow!

    haha trust me man ive read it start to finish... you have secret folowers lol i just havn't replied at all.
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    My CFL Aquarium Stand Grow!

    new pics!:weed:
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    My CFL Aquarium Stand Grow!

    Fed it a small dose of nutes last night and I could tell the plant loved them because she fattened up quite a bit in her 12 hours of light... now she is at rest while the northern lights plants are veging under 300 watts of CFL goodness... they are starting to grow in there first fan leaves that...
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    My CFL Aquarium Stand Grow!

    I just built another cab out of a simple cardboard box and tab and a sheet... i just have it sitting in the corner of my room with the blanket on top and no one would EVER notice... maybe I will make it a new flowering cab for times like this so i can just throw the plant in there everyday...
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    My CFL Aquarium Stand Grow!

    New pics!!! Me thinks I am going to harvest the plant tomorrow night because its almost ready now only like 1.5 weeks left and also that way I can kick vegetation on full force for the northern lights!:joint:
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    My CFL Aquarium Stand Grow!

    Buds are really starting to fatten up. all the hairs are turning orange /red and the crystals are coming along really nicely... will try and post pics tonight.. also the northern lights are almost in veg stage now :weed::weed:
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    My CFL Aquarium Stand Grow!

    Here are some new pics of the grow... how close is the plant do you guys think? I think I may have just fed it for the final time??? Oh and as you can see its a bit droopy and crisp because I forgot to water it for a day... damn does it ever suck alot up!
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    My CFL Aquarium Stand Grow!

    new pictures!
  12. T

    My CFL Aquarium Stand Grow!

    Okay I understand what you are saying, but why do you get so offended? This is my grow so I will do what I want with it, by the way, I have read all the stickies thank you very much... If it were you instead of me that forked out the cash for the seeds it would be different though... I found a...
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    My CFL Aquarium Stand Grow!

    I didn't think it was a big deal doing it this way.... as far as I know even when youy start a seed at 12/12 for flowering the plant will still veg for a few weeks until it is mature enough to start flowering and show sex... so in theory what I am doing wont matter :confused: :joint:
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    My CFL Aquarium Stand Grow!

    started germinating 5 Nirvana Northern Lights seeds tonight. I will have them on 12/12 until they are 2 weeks in then I will harvest my other plant and switch the NL to 18/6
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    My CFL Aquarium Stand Grow!

    Covering it would be way to big of a pain... I guess I could start my first round from seed at 12/12... do 5X 12/12 the first time then plant the other 5 after than and veg like normal and get some clones... But is 12/12 from seed worth it?
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    My CFL Aquarium Stand Grow!

    How much THC would the plant have in like a week from now? I am buying seeds on thursday and want to start a bigger grow with more plants but i dont want this one to be a loss so would it be enough to make some butter and make cookies with?
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    My CFL Aquarium Stand Grow!

    Anyone watching?
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    My CFL Aquarium Stand Grow!

    What do you guys think my yield will be approx? Possible Ill get an ounce dry???? Plant is about 20 inches tall day 16 of flowering..
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    My CFL Aquarium Stand Grow!

    By the way today is day 14 of flowering
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    My CFL Aquarium Stand Grow!

    Here is the plant as of now... cant wait to get seeds next week!