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  1. T

    My second grow - Nirvana Northern Lights CFL

    Just a couple new pics...
  2. T

    My second grow - Nirvana Northern Lights CFL

    Adding yet another fan tonight... this should for sure take care of any heat problems I will ever have again.. I just find it kind of hard to control the humidity in there with all the air blowing out I leave cups of water but it all evaporates so fast
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    My second grow - Nirvana Northern Lights CFL

    I am lol.. I tie the tops down the plants get about 4 inches shorter.. within 24 hours the tops have curved back up and are almost back where they were.. but 4 inches longer haha.. maybe I should stop feeding nutes because these things will not stop shooting up. I have tied each plant down in...
  4. T

    3 week old seedling cfl

    me thinks you have some heat issues and the tinfoil doesn't help. but seriously it looks pretty good.. clearly its enough light because the plant is nice and short but stalky. :)
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    My second grow - Nirvana Northern Lights CFL

    I just noticed you can tell what plant I didn't tie down yesturday because it shot right up to the lights over night.. tieing these things is a daily thing now!
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    My second grow - Nirvana Northern Lights CFL

    Having MAJOR space problems because of the light problem... the plants ended up vegging for a week longer than I wanted so they are HUGE! I might have to kill off one of the female so I can fit them all in there... I keep tieing them down but its to the point where there will be WAY to many...
  7. T

    My second grow - Nirvana Northern Lights CFL

    I have officially decided that on my next grow I am only going to germinate 2 seeds and hope for 1 female... just because I will save ALOT of $ on seeds and if I let 1 plant veg for 2 extra weeks and LST it really good I could probably get more harvest from it then 4 small ones.
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    My second grow - Nirvana Northern Lights CFL

    Yep Its official 4/5 female... the last one showed male today... the GREAT part about it is the only male happens to be the runt I was considering killing it off anyways!
  9. T

    My second grow - Nirvana Northern Lights CFL

    wowowow 4/5 100% female and the 1 hasnt shown yet.. talk about luck!!!
  10. T

    My first grow cfl all the way

    dude the tin foil covering soil is going to cause hot spots and maybe burns parts of your leaves
  11. T

    My second grow - Nirvana Northern Lights CFL

    Now I am hoping I dont have any hermies... last night when I looked I didn't even see any pistils on any of the plants... thank god its light proof now... tonight I am going to have to take the time to tie them all down really good or else space WILL be a big factor.
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    My second grow - Nirvana Northern Lights CFL

    I will have it all fixed before the lights go back out... good thing I looked into it because one of my plants showed a pistil yesturday and now I dont see any on it!
  13. T

    My second grow - Nirvana Northern Lights CFL

    Wow... I think letting them dry out like that actually stimulated growth some how... because they all shot up about an inch and they look alot fuller now.. cant even tell anything happend. I noticed one VERY bad thing though... light is leaking in on the back side of the cab... I really have to...
  14. T

    My second grow - Nirvana Northern Lights CFL

    Lights on in 19 minutes cant wait to see if they are looking fine.
  15. T

    My second grow - Nirvana Northern Lights CFL

    Fuck... I forgot to water them last night before work.. got home this mroning and they were all SO DROOPY. The box looked EMPTY. Thank god there was not even any discoloration or anything like that so I gave them a huge watering and now 20 mins later they are already almost looking 80%...
  16. T

    My second grow - Nirvana Northern Lights CFL

    Yea man I took that approach on 2 of the plants... i plan on keeping the other ones this way I can compare some different techniques... this is why I also topped them all at different times.
  17. T

    My second grow - Nirvana Northern Lights CFL

    Gave them a full dose of blooming nutes yesterday and I almost regret giving the full dose haha... they rocketed up about 1.5 inches over night so now I am almost getting worried about grow space..
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    My second grow - Nirvana Northern Lights CFL

    Shit, I should have told you before you bought two adapters that you can basically run as many fans as you want off just one... just add more fans into the connections the same way.
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    My second grow - Nirvana Northern Lights CFL

    Basically.... my best advise from here is if you dont know how to properly strip a wire dont do it or else you are risking burning your house down. lol
  20. T

    My second grow - Nirvana Northern Lights CFL

    Haha, you have to take the AC DC adapter and cut off the plug that would normally plug into whatever device.. you then strip these two wires as well as the two wires from the fan and use electrical tape to tape the connections together.. match + and -