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  1. Ripshot

    birds ate most of plant...can it reveg?

    Ya ive never seen this before.
  2. Ripshot

    Is it still considered vegetative state..

    Did you have it on an 24/0 light cycle inside?
  3. Ripshot

    (pics)Is this going to cause a problem

    I would say you are loosing about 50% of your light hitting your plants. This will effect your yeild, but, if it makes your grow safer, it might be worth it.
  4. Ripshot

    Is it still considered vegetative state..

    What?? that sucks. If you can get a close up id like to see it.
  5. Ripshot

    Is it still considered vegetative state..

    No, your plant is simply showing its sex, and weed will always smell like weed, just moreso when it is flowering. Its not critical to change the nutrients immediatly anyway. wait until you see buds forming, then switch it over. So yes it is still in its vegatative state.
  6. Ripshot

    Smelling and bending???

    Yes, however which technique you use is up to you. When you top, your usually taking quite a few nodes from the top and when you fim you are just taking the very last node. So if you fim, vertical growth is slowed, but the last few node sites on the top of the shoot will develop into branches...
  7. Ripshot

    Preflowering - Females vs Males - Who really shows first?

    I had all of my preflowers show around the same week. The females were identified first, because of the stigma that eventually shows. This is the positive identifier of a female plant. In my experience the female preflower is easier to identify than a male one, but since they are both visible...
  8. Ripshot

    Getting plants to flower

    No. Its depends on photoperiod.
  9. Ripshot

    First Outdoor. Help With Flowering Needed!

    I had this discussion with another board member just recently and he informed me that it simply the daylight hours getting shorter that triggers the plant to flower, not the actual 12/12 photoperiod. I used to think the same as you. My plants have always begun to flower in mid august, but the...
  10. Ripshot

    Smelling and bending???

    I always FIM rather than top, the reason being I see no reason to loose the 2-3 nodes at the top of the main shoot. I only sever the top node to promote branching, this includes the nodes directly below it. The node spacing at the top of the plant is so close its hard to see them, but there is...
  11. Ripshot

    Bring indoors from outdoors?

    I dont think so. But You cant really compare indoor lights to the sun. Ive had the same problem the last week, growth has been super slow but the sun is out now and the plants are picking up speed again. I can guarantee you will loose more growth bringing them inside under lights than you...
  12. Ripshot

    Smelling and bending???

    Theres not really much you can do about the smell without creating some other smell to mask it. Your grow still looks pretty stealthy, I would fim them to keep them short and train them just like you said. There are breeds that smell more pungent than others. Next time, try and find one. Your...
  13. Ripshot

    fire hazard grow room

    Do you have any air exchange at all in your grow room?
  14. Ripshot

    Is it weed?

    Its funny you would go to the entire trouble of registering and uploading pictures to a host site rather than just google a picture up.
  15. Ripshot

    Bring indoors from outdoors?

    why do you want to do this? If you have to, I would put them on 18/6.
  16. Ripshot

    what kind of electrical cord is this? expert needed

    I am not sure what that table represents. When I wire a household circut, I use 14g wire and I install it on a 15 amp circut breaker. This is because this is the maximum amount amps the wire is rated for. You should be able to run 800 watts of light on a 15 amp circut.
  17. Ripshot

    what kind of electrical cord is this? expert needed

    Pretty sure 14g is rated for 15 amps. 14 g wire should be fine for two 400w lights. Actually, here in Canada its code to load it up to 12 amps, but its rated for 15.
  18. Ripshot

    what kind of electrical cord is this? expert needed

    I can try and help you, what makes you think the white cord is shorting out?
  19. Ripshot

    9 days without water?

    My deck faces south, on hot days my potted plants on my deck dont last much more than a day or two without water.
  20. Ripshot

    Mature plants outdoors in early July. Now what?!

    Dont bug me is a permethrin spray i belive which is fine to use during the vegitative state.