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  1. Ripshot

    Hot and dry

    have you added a 6 inch layer of mulch around the base of the plant? you need something inbetween the soil surface and the dry wind, which is sucking the moisture from the ground.
  2. Ripshot

    Ripshots outdoor Blackberry thread

    Thanks man!
  3. Ripshot

    Ripshots outdoor Blackberry thread

    A late evening pic to show progress. Getting bigger every day, still feeding 5-1-1 fish emulsion every few days and flushing with plain water every other time. Still 4 weeks of veg left, then the stretching begins during flowering. These girls should produce as long as nobody rips them off.
  4. Ripshot

    Cutting a clone for next year

    i dont have it setup but I have a 400w MH... and I would rather transplant clones than seedlings. Ive got some olympic from VISC coming too, so i will eventually attempt to start a mother plant from those seeds in the winter.
  5. Ripshot

    Cutting a clone for next year

    Has anybody ever done this before? one of my female blackberry plants is clearly more robust and bigger than the others. Im thinking of cloning her for a mother plant to make more clones next spring. This would of course involve keeping her inside for the next 10 months at least.
  6. Ripshot

    Too late i think

    yes but how old were they when you transplanted them? where i live there is only 4 weeks of veg time left.
  7. Ripshot

    Fem seeds....all chix no dix, not a sausage fest!

    I have read, but never tested it myself that stress in the early stages of life causes male plants, most importantly, heat. I cant say for sure if the sex of the plant is encoded in the seed itself or if sex is determined due to the enviroment the seedling is raised in. I germed 7 seeds...
  8. Ripshot

    Sunlight vs Indoor

    There is something different about indoor buds. I think indoor plants are defintley less hardy than outdoor plants, and the smokeable qualities of a particular strain is more defined when grown indoors under lights with good ventilation, and good nutrient management. One thing is for sure...
  9. Ripshot

    Too late i think

    I wouldnt waste good genetics outdoors right now... if you have some bagseed why not. my plants will be flowering in about 4 weeks time
  10. Ripshot

    birds ate most of plant...can it reveg?

    Not going to hijack this thread talking about shotgun ballistics... pm sent
  11. Ripshot

    birds ate most of plant...can it reveg?

    15ft spread? do you own a shotgun?
  12. Ripshot

    birds ate most of plant...can it reveg?

    but why would you not just use birdshot
  13. Ripshot

    How do I make my plants bushier? More dense?

    Restricting nutrients is not the way to make your plant bushier.
  14. Ripshot

    birds ate most of plant...can it reveg?

    I love it some of these responses, one guy suggests shooting buckshot at a bird the size of a sparrow, another suggests a 10 guage with a 3 and a half inch shell.
  15. Ripshot

    birds ate most of plant...can it reveg?

    :D thats funny. Try the owl decoy.
  16. Ripshot

    birds ate most of plant...can it reveg?

    you mentioned bunnies. Its very likely that rabbits are chewing off your beans and corn tops.
  17. Ripshot

    Quick question. Too late in the season to grow from seed outside

    I dont live in north cali but im guessing its too late for seeds. Hold on to em, if your really anxious try germing one or two, just for kicks.
  18. Ripshot

    birds ate most of plant...can it reveg?

    Dont shoot buckshot at birds, its for deer and you will have poor results.
  19. Ripshot

    birds ate most of plant...can it reveg?

    Yea, thats a sparrow. While I have seen them flock in great numbers, Ive never seen them eat veggies. But if youve seen them, I belive you. One thing that I know works well for sparrows is an owl decoy.
  20. Ripshot

    (pics)Is this going to cause a problem

    it all depends what your neighbour is like, he might be wondering why you put a piece of lattus over your garden. You plan was to train your plants right? I would just keep em small and low, theres a good chance your neighbor will look at your garden and not notice them.