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  1. ///redtreezson///

    burning korans on 9/11

    ill drink to that!!!
  2. ///redtreezson///

    ///growing when your broke///

    Ok so the seeds have germed, ive got them in some washed out "backyard" soil. Ive figured out whats goin on with people having probs with the MG, its the way the nutes release, the bag says its good for about 6 months, but after about 2 they lose like half the potency, so it would be a good idea...
  3. ///redtreezson///


    ok so were supposed to do it next harvest, on MY crops. He doesnt wanna post pix of his shit on the internet.... any one kno how to store dry ice indefinately? i havent figured it out
  4. ///redtreezson///

    Can I line the inside of my closet with walmart plastic sheeting?

    they also come in survival kits, i got one out of my G.F.s moms, mercedes first aid kit (yes they have first-aid kits built in to them). But yea in most cases its actualy cheaper then buying paint...
  5. ///redtreezson///

    ///growing when your broke///

    well ive opted to not go real big with this one. But look out for my next journal!!! Ive collaborated with a 3 other people, and i now have a good place to do some serious gardening without worries of ANYTHING!!!! Im probly the most knowledgeable out of the group besides T-bone, but the...
  6. ///redtreezson///

    ///growing when your broke///

    since my last seeds didnt germinate, i gotta do it again. but this time im doin it right. first off im using "fresh" seeds that ive aquired from some friends. ive hand selected which seeds i will attempt to propogate. the germination process is being started now.
  7. ///redtreezson///

    ///growing when your broke///

    some stuff to check out
  8. ///redtreezson///

    ///growing when your broke///

    the miracle grow is leftover from my pepper farm (i like to grow my own peppers and make my own hot sauce). Its all i have as far as potting soil. But i can grab some soil from outside or i can snatch up a scotts seed starter from t-bones job, theyre on clearance for like 2.75 (it was like 15...
  9. ///redtreezson///

    ///growing when your broke///

    I should have some in a few hours, Im not gunna quit on this one. I wanna grow as cheap as i can. My girlfriends mom has this surge protector that tells you how many watts your using and shes letting me borrow it for the grow. The good part is if i can get a decent yield she said i can grow in...
  10. ///redtreezson///

    ///growing when your broke///

    I dont think im growing anything at this point its been almost a week and no sprouts. I wanna order some seeds but as the title suggests im broke and i cant afford it.But i should be getting a batch of already germinated seeds from T-bone and he said he may have some clones for me in the next...
  11. ///redtreezson///

    ///growing when your broke///

    I can afford up to 2500 kilowatts a month before i have to worry about paying for it. so ill do continuous on setup. Mirical grows PH is off a lil. the casualties suck balls dont fake the punk lolz
  12. ///redtreezson///

    ///growing when your broke///

    ok so i cant decide on the light scheme. should i go for 24 hour non-stop light or some sort of long light schedule for veg, and im thinking 12/12 for flowering, but i have a ways to go before that...
  13. ///redtreezson///

    Has Anyone Ever Puked from Smoking?

    thats pretty mean... but fair cant hang with the best, leave like the rest. or sit and smoke more just as long as you dont smell like vomit, we dont need a chain-reaction/puke-cypher
  14. ///redtreezson///

    ///growing when your broke///

    6.5... i shall prepare the water. i think (my own opinion) that distilled water is less than desirable. I had a friend of mine that had copper coils from when he ran a still, and he makes his own distilled water. im not even sure about what i should do with the water. i mean ive got a light...
  15. ///redtreezson///

    ///growing when your broke///

    5.8 ph i guess is best for the water, not the 6.0 that i thought. Ill have to look more into the LST, ive never partook in any of it so ill have to do some research...
  16. ///redtreezson///

    ///growing when your broke///

    O.k. so ive helped on numerous grows and have been for a few years now. I think im ready to do it on my own. I have a FUCKTON of cfls because im a cheap bastard and ive been using them for like 6 years now so i have alot of them. What i dont have are the clamp light fixtures, i left them with a...
  17. ///redtreezson///

    ///growing when your broke///

    O.k. so ive helped on numerous grows and have been for a few years now. I think im ready to do it on my own. I have a FUCKTON of cfls because im a cheap bastard and ive been using them for like 6 years now so i have alot of them. What i dont have are the clamp light fixtures, i left them with a...
  18. ///redtreezson///


    thanx i appreciate it
  19. ///redtreezson///


    I havent seen t bone in like 3 weeks, but ill bring my camera over to his place and take pix as soon as he answers his goddamn phone!.
  20. ///redtreezson///


    .... that im riding backwards....