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  1. Bugscreen

    First Grow First Room Grow Jornal

    :weed: Well it looks like I have 9 good Females out of the bunch. I cut one out that was a male and am going to give a couple of days to the remaining 3 to show me gender. If not I will hack them out anyway.:weed: Here is a pic of one that is forming a bud on top.:clap:
  2. Bugscreen

    First Grow First Room Grow Jornal

    i can only tell what works for me...I use a humidifier to boost the humidity and my exhaust fan is wired into a dehumidistat which you can buy at home depot. I set that 55% so it turns on the exhaust. The exhaust draws in new air which lowers the humidity to around 45% and exchanges the air in...
  3. Bugscreen

    First Grow First Room Grow Jornal

    It has a sensor that is similar to the ph tester and yes I have a combo thermostat that tell temp and relative humidity. The nute ppm sensor will save me the most headache so the nute dose is correct each time, I am still tryin to recover from overdosing them.
  4. Bugscreen

    First Grow-19 days into Veg Cycle-Pure Power Plant

    hmmm. here is some bagseed I grew at 19 days.:-| I think they are growin slow dude:confused:
  5. Bugscreen

    First Grow First Room Grow Jornal

    :weed: thanx Nuggy:weed: I paid about $240 it tells temp as well. got all the the calibration liquids as well for another $20. all dialed in now. Expensive yes...better than guessing though. Now another $350 for a good C02 set up:hump: and I will be set.
  6. Bugscreen

    First Grow First Room Grow Jornal

    :shock::shock: Run off is 6.4 GM. Merry Christmas Everyone:hug: Well preflowers have come just in time for xmas as a matter of fact:weed: I have decided to take two as mothers just incase something goes wrong and are going to let the rest go to bud:hump: I have purchased a quality ph and ppm...
  7. Bugscreen

    Is this what I think (pic)

    First timer here and started with bagseed and a dream. Day 8 of flowering and today I found this. let me know your opinion as I cant wait:hug:
  8. Bugscreen

    First Grow First Room Grow Jornal

    thanx Nug:clap: My Mother clone room is attached. her is a couple three shots.:weed:
  9. Bugscreen

    First Grow First Room Grow Jornal

    :leaf: Still trying to get this yellowing under control. Here is some updated pics. Still no sign of preflower so still no confimed female. As soon as I get one she will go the the mother chamber where I plan to clone her right away after letting her veg for a couple of weeks. I figure I can veg...
  10. Bugscreen

    Males and pollen ...

    bump bump good question
  11. Bugscreen

    Is this what I think (PIC)

    :clap: Thanx...and I am just to anxious:weed:
  12. Bugscreen

    Is this what I think (PIC)

    I am hoping this is a sign its a girl. Cant see any preflower but 5 days into 12/12 and tops are geting compact. First one that is showing these spikes at the top. Let me know what yall think.:roll:
  13. Bugscreen

    I've got spots (Pics)

    I think your on to somthing there HP. Things are :sad: getting worse saddly. I flushed the plant I like to call #9 as it is looking like its going to pack it in. It is showing on other plants in the crop now and looks like a spreading cancer:wall: I sprayed the rest with the epsom salt water...
  14. Bugscreen

    Please Help! Diagnosis needed

    I have the same thing happening to me. I have started foiler spraying with h2o and epsom salt. Check ur siol ph first to make sure its ok. check my post to see what advise has been givin to me. ps let me know if you...
  15. Bugscreen

    I've got spots (Pics)

    Wow:-o:otoday the problem is getting worse. Showing up in the other plants as bright yellow lower leaves. This mourning I started the epsom salt application via foilage spraying. still nervous about putting salt into the soil. A friend lent me a ph metre so I could test my water. It is right at...
  16. Bugscreen

    I've got spots (Pics)

    Thank you all who have replied.:weed: I am going to give the epsom salt a go on a couple of the worst affected plants. I will let everyone know the results.
  17. Bugscreen

    Lets Get Growing

    Hulk??? should you sex the plants before cloneing. It would suck if your mother was a father.
  18. Bugscreen

    First Grow First Room Grow Jornal

    Thanx Hulky, been nice having your moral support.:-P you know its never to late to switch to dirt:hump:
  19. Bugscreen

    I've got spots (Pics)

    thankyou so much Don... I read your journal(very nice by the way) and those were the first pics I saw that resemble my prob. I will try the epsom salts. :weed: One question. How much to use and how do I appply it? Cheers:clap:
  20. Bugscreen

    First Grow First Room Grow Jornal

    Izzz hate dem skeeters:shock: Thanx for the help growinman. Here is the night shots as requested