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  1. italianstallion24

    Need help designing a cfl fixture

    can you get a pic of the back side to show me what that looks like?
  2. italianstallion24

    Need help designing a cfl fixture

    well i would do that but then that would defeat the purpose of being a stealth grow.. because i have a lot of traffic through my room and it has to look as normal as possible and i cant have a buch of wires sticking out the back. You know? and its pushed as far against the wall as it can be. and...
  3. italianstallion24

    Need help designing a cfl fixture

    i doubt the only use for them is growin lol i could have used them in several situations if id known they even exist lol i didnt until this site
  4. italianstallion24

    Need help designing a cfl fixture

    haha thats what i was thinking. why steal something so small and get in trouble and then risk your grow? lol but maybe they mean something else idk lol
  5. italianstallion24

    Need help designing a cfl fixture

    hell yea upload that. cause it kinda confused me.. what are Y splitters? like the things i have already? and how did you not pay for them?
  6. italianstallion24

    Need help designing a cfl fixture

    Okay so i have my stealth box all made up. its in my room just looks like another dresser... kinda. but anyway i have two 120 mm pc fans going. the exhaust is geting 9vs and the intake is getting 7vs so they arent spinning full blast for noise reasons... here is my dresser i made it outta...
  7. italianstallion24

    Single plant has some 5 point leafs and some 7 point leafs?

    Holy crap. that is alot of leafs lol is that one of your plants? thats pretty sick lookin lol and thanks for the info!
  8. italianstallion24

    Single plant has some 5 point leafs and some 7 point leafs?

    hmmm haha never seen 11 before that would probably be a site to see!
  9. italianstallion24

    Single plant has some 5 point leafs and some 7 point leafs?

    ive had a plant have 9 leaves lol and i think its just because of how big the plant gets but i dont know. the bigger mine got the more leaves showed up lol. i wouldnt remove any leaves unless they look like they are dying... add some pics man
  10. italianstallion24

    Hello :)

    im on my second grow. this will be my first indoor grow. ive been trolling the site for a long time now learning and absorbing all the information ive read. This is a great site! and i hope to continue my education on growing just by being active on the site. I will add some pictures of my...