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  1. J

    Cold tonight!!

    Only got down to upper 30s last night my girls are fine!Sun today!!
  2. J

    How can I get them to bud earlier next year?

    Living in New England frost/freeze is an issue from mid Sept on... been lucky so far(global warming, I guess!!)and we appear to have a nice stretch of weather coming 60s days and sunny,upper 30s- low 40s nights so I'll be Ok for a bit which is good cause my 2 girls need time!!Next Spring I've...
  3. J

    when to plant outdoors

    You are welcome...good luck!
  4. J

    Cold tonight!!

    Used trash bags , clear dont want to attract attention though I'll take them off early in the AM. Its 43 right now so I may be OK anyway.
  5. J

    Cold tonight!!

    Oh yea ....only about 4.5 - 5.0 tall
  6. J

    Cold tonight!!

    Thanks, just covered them just in case...they still have time to go. Its supposed to be sunny and milder for a bit after this so hoping those buds have some time to fill out!
  7. J

    Cold tonight!!

    I'm in New England and its suppose to get down to 35 tonight ...will mt two girls be ok???
  8. J

    when to plant outdoors

    June 21 the summer equinox is the longest day of year and they get shorter from there...depending on frost planting sometime in May is recommended
  9. J

    First Outdoor Seed to Harvest

    Looks tasty indeed!!
  10. J

    getting cold quick is there enough time for ww to finish in rhode island

    Here in Mass frost is near, I have one budding 5 weeks and one 4 weeks and I'll be lucky to get through Oct without a frost or worse a solid freeze. 10 day forecast calls for upper 30s but no frost, afraid I'll have to pick before there time but I guess it is what it is, keep my fingers crossed...
  11. J

    3-4 weeks to go in New England?

    I'm in Berkshire County to...mine need more time and I dont want to hear Bob Kovachick, Channel 13 call for frost till Nov. !!! or I'll be covering.
  12. J

    Low outdoor temps

    I'm in New England, no frost yet but nights are getting cold 38-50 ... and they still look healthy ... I have 4 plus weeks to go and plan on covering my two girls when the frost hits and hope for the best!
  13. J

    Northeast Flowering

    I watch the temps every night so far so good...average frost is early November though I've seen plent earlier! I still have some time and I'll cover them if need be ... some sunny days are forecast for the next few days so that should help the cause! :weed:
  14. J

    Northeast Flowering

    Here in New England...same of mines 3 weeks into flower the other one week both females!!! but I'm worried about the frost hitting before there time!!!
  15. J

    Transplanting inside before frost??

    I shall , no bloom fertilizer?
  16. J

    Transplanting inside before frost??

    Hope your right and they do finish up outside ...strain...???...two different bag seeds though both were descent weed on appears to be indica dominant...broad leaves and one appears sativa dominant..thinner leaves guess anyways...the sativa looking one is ahead of the indica one.
  17. J

    Transplanting inside before frost??

    Thanks growinman I'm not presently growing inside but bringing in bugs did occur to me but figured by the time i brought them in they'd be less active because it was getting colder and I was planning on keeping them out as long as possible covering at night if necessary but my other problem is...
  18. J

    Transplanting inside before frost??

    Thanks and thanks!
  19. J

    Transplanting inside before frost??

    If need be can I transplant my two girls inside before it gets to cold? One of mine is 2 weeks into budding and the other a few days and by late Oct. its gonna get cold!! I'm in central New England.I know they will need more time so I want to keep them outside as long as possible and transplant...
  20. J

    How Much is an Ounce of Bud in your Area

    In Mass 140 a z and up....