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  1. J

    24 hour or 20/4 or 18/6 in Veg??

    On my fourth CFL grow each is more succesful than the last. I've always gone 24 for veg and recently 12.5-11.5 flower. Any advantage to going 20/4 or 18/6 veg? Also read that when you're ready to flower give the plants 24 darkness berore 12/12(or 12.5-11.5 in my case) to help trigger the...
  2. J

    Can too much direct sunlight damage a plant??

    The more sun the better...they like the sun!
  3. J

    How Long Have You Let Your Supply Cure And What Were The Results?

    After 4 -6 weeks max. with proper burping of jars ect the drying/curing process is pretty much complete but I find that your weed will get tastier with time thereafter as it ages. It needs to age air tight in the dark so the sugars, starches, cholorphyl ect continue to degrade for the smoother...
  4. J

    Curing - what exactely is it?

    You are basically correct even drying. When you reseal the jar the drier outside draws the moisture out of the center of the bud. Also it needs to age some for the sugars, chloropyll ect to break down hence the tastier smoke.
  5. J

    Am I curing right???

    Curing has as much to do with aging of the bud with an even dry. With time the sugars and chlorophyll ect breakdown for a smoother tastier smoke When you open the jar to burp (and leave lid off for an hour or two)the outside of the bud drys out and when you reseal it the moisture in the middle...
  6. J

    going from 24/7 lighting to 18/6 after three weeks

    I switch from 24 to 12/12 usually but I'm thinking of trying 13/11 heard it helps the buds to mature a little faster.Gonna switch in a weel or so. Any experience or comments on 13/11 as opposed to12/12 for flower?
  7. J

    Any advantage of 13/11 instead of 12/12 for flower?

    I've seen threads on this with no conclusion if it advantageous to flower with 13/11 instead of 12/12...anyone try and results. I'll be switching from veg to flower soon ... any feed back appreciated!
  8. J

    Mix 2700k and 6500k bulbs for flowering.

    Thats what I was thinking might speed growth in flowering stage.Probably wouldn't hurt to mix them in now with yours.
  9. J

    Do you cut up your large buds or leave them whole?

    I had two female plants also and got some seed....apparently a female can develop some male pods and polinate herself since there are no males to do so...species preservation...or so was the answer I recieved on that quetion...I plan on planting mine next time around.
  10. J

    Mix 2700k and 6500k bulbs for flowering.

    My last grow was start to finish w/2700k did fine in veg, though I think this time w/the 6500k they're growing a little faster ... think I'll mix them in as you saay it makes sense...Thanks!
  11. J

    Mix 2700k and 6500k bulbs for flowering.

    I'll be going into flower in a couple of weeks...any advantage to mixing in a couple of 6500ks with the 2700ks??
  12. J

    2 Females curing and found a few seeds??No males!!

    I'll will be when she's ready! Like I said i know a girl when I see her, they smell sweet! Should be tasty! Love the smell and taste of a female!LOL Think those seeds would be good for growing a second generation crop?
  13. J

    2 Females curing and found a few seeds??No males!!

    Thanks for your input don=t think its from a neighbor 1st explanation seems to be more plausible not a lot of seeds just a few. I've bought bags over the years that had 1 or 2 seeds only in them probably for the same reason.
  14. J

    2 Females curing and found a few seeds??No males!!

    Thanks...must be cause though I'm on my second inside grow have grown outside a few times and I know when a girl is a girl!
  15. J

    2 Females curing and found a few seeds??No males!!

    No hermie and first time growing in that room(second grow started)both had a couple seeds must be a hermie pod on one of them? Is that possible?
  16. J

    2 Females curing and found a few seeds??No males!!

    I had two females only under Cfls that are now curing and I've found a few seeds? Was bag seed, buds are nice and sticky and stinky definetly females any thoughts?
  17. J

    Anyone ever use 62w CFL?

    Its a little warmer but far from hot...just got home from work and checked them, looking good! Thats why I like CFLS they stay relatively cool and don't spike my electric bill! This bulb is 62W(300 W equivilant) in total only drawing 148 watts. Was $15 at Home Depot.
  18. J

    Anyone ever use 62w CFL?

    I just replaced a overhead 23 w CFL with a 62w CFL(big sucker!) to aid in flowering my two ladies along with 2 23 w and a 4' Flor. Tube,on the sides. They were doing well but thought the extra light would help. It gives out 4200 lumens and its "color" is 2700.Should help beef up the buds?
  19. J

    Start counting flowering from 12/12 or when the flower?

    Thanks man thats what I thought .... they started flowering about a week + after I switched to12/12 ... I'm figuring probably mid March. Both good bag seed I think ones Indica and ones Sativia(budded a little later).
  20. J

    Start counting flowering from 12/12 or when the flower?

    Both lovely females! Second grow, did two outdoors last year and both ladies also so I'm 4 for 4!Just love girls!I'll try and post pics.