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  1. cannaman2.5

    How many pot smokers voted for Obama??

    I actually didn't vote for anyone.We were screwed either way.Honestly,i wish Ron Paul had gotten a shot a running.
  2. cannaman2.5

    How many pot smokers voted for Obama??

    i didn't vote for him.I thought he was a retard and hes proved that he is in more ways then the legalization of marijuana.
  3. cannaman2.5

    need help with cooling my grow room!

    you can buy an air cooled hood at any hydro store.Go to and look at the 6 inch cool sun.You duct the hood to a fan and air cool it.Pretty simple and will cure your heat issue.As a rule of thumb i never let my room get over 86.In the 90's it will stress the plant.At times...
  4. cannaman2.5

    flushing help needed nooby

    I would flush them now.And basically what you do is just give them plain water from now until harvest.I would water them until you get a run off.And no don't use nutes again after the flush
  5. cannaman2.5

    Obama addresses the LEGALIZE question today!!

    where i live its only a misdameanor for up to 100 plants a 2000 dollar fine and up to 1 year in jail
  6. cannaman2.5

    Whats A Good Height To Induce Flowering?

    i grow alot of east coast sour diesel and if i flower it at 14 inches after topping my plants twice they end up around 30-32 inches.The sour tends to stretch like a bitch though even under 1000's
  7. cannaman2.5

    FDD...C'mon bro

    When i mention donkey around my gf she doesn't know if i'm talking about a plant i'm growing or her ass.
  8. cannaman2.5

    FDD...C'mon bro

    I think we should put a jar out to collect donations for fdd's boob job!
  9. cannaman2.5

    How heavy a smoker are you?

    you could build one hell of a grow room for the amount of loot you guys spend on weed.
  10. cannaman2.5

    Design my 10x10 grow room please

    that would work.I don't know what you plan on using for hoods,but most 1000's have a 4x4 cadle pattern
  11. cannaman2.5

    Design my 10x10 grow room please

    this is the past 4 lighter i was talking about at like 4 weeks flower
  12. cannaman2.5

    Design my 10x10 grow room please

    with that setup i was ripping about 2lbs a light
  13. cannaman2.5

    Design my 10x10 grow room please

    Well for that area i would do 4 cool sun hoods with 1000 watt hps.Do 9 plants per light in 7 gal pots.An 8 inch vortex fan with a can or phat filter.get a c02 regulator and c02 tank.In my experience the 8 inch will have enough cfm to cool 4 hoods and keep odor down.Get a simple cap controller...
  14. cannaman2.5

    Obama Response to Online Forum

    what happened in his press confrence?
  15. cannaman2.5

    How heavy a smoker are you?

    believe it or not i don't smoke at all.Just grow!Smoking makes me paranoid now i haven't really smoked in years.
  16. cannaman2.5

    just recieved my hemp depot order

    Just wanted to thank Brad once again for a fast safe delivery..Hemp Depot rocks!Five days!
  17. cannaman2.5

    How Many Christians On This Site?

    i look around the mall at alot of beautiful things and i'd bet money lots of them are accidents.
  18. cannaman2.5

    The Official hottest girl thread.

    we could nick name him Blue
  19. cannaman2.5

    The Official hottest girl thread.

    old balls hahahaha