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  1. cannaman2.5

    Fat Chicks WTF

    Fat chicks are like mopeds..their fun to ride til your friends see ya!
  2. cannaman2.5

    Is Hemp Depot still reliable?

    I order from hemp depot alot and have had better luck than any other seed bank.I just ordered two dif strains from them and recieved them within 6 days.All 20 germinated and i had 16 females out of twenty.
  3. cannaman2.5

    outdoor season plan for 09

    how often you water them depends on the amount of precipitation your area gets.If it rains all summer then you probably won't need to water much.
  4. cannaman2.5

    1000 hps vs. 2x 400 hps?

    I wouldn't use anything smaller than a 1000 watter.
  5. cannaman2.5

    The Most Outrageous Post Thread.

    take a look at that shit...lmao.
  6. cannaman2.5

    The Most Outrageous Post Thread.

    Will my plant regrow???
  7. cannaman2.5

    Will my plant regrow???

    Is this a serious question or a joke?
  8. cannaman2.5

    How many pot smokers voted for Obama??

    Well i hate Bush,but bush didn't run all these companies in the ground.They did with corporate scandals,money Embezzlement,corporate jets and all the other bullshit these assholes do.I wouldn't give any of them a dime.Most of them should be in prison,but they are not.9 years ago it was cool to...
  9. cannaman2.5

    How many pot smokers voted for Obama??

    And i'm sorry,but when you print 50% of the economy in iou money i can't imagine its gonna do much for the worth of the dollar.Plus china is considering dropping the dollar which is really going to screw us.I can see it now working for 5 dollars a day in a homeland chinese sweat shop.
  10. cannaman2.5

    How many pot smokers voted for Obama??

    i don't know hes already spent more money in 60 some days than Bush did in 8 years.
  11. cannaman2.5

    The Most Outrageous Post Thread.

    ahahaha.You've gotta be shitting me.
  12. cannaman2.5

    Diesel seeds where to get them

    yeah its not the same shit though
  13. cannaman2.5

    How many pot smokers voted for Obama??

    I don't know if i should say this in here,but i'd be willing to bet money that at some point a racist may ummm shorten his term at some point.
  14. cannaman2.5

    The White House: Open for questions

    I hate to tell ya,but Obama is too busy fucking us in other ways to have time to worry about marijuana.
  15. cannaman2.5

    Diesel seeds where to get them

    i've had the orig strain for years.I actually got it at a hydro expo from the breeder.Its def in the new england region as i've seen many flats of clones leave my hands.
  16. cannaman2.5

    The Most Outrageous Post Thread.

    Any of you guys watch weeds?I was hoping to learn how to grow 50lbs a week like the kid in weeds in a van parked outside my house.
  17. cannaman2.5

    The Most Outrageous Post Thread.

    I can't believe some of the things people come up with.lmao
  18. cannaman2.5

    some pot im growing

    holy shit your gonna yield like 45 lbs
  19. cannaman2.5

    Diesel seeds where to get them

    the orig east coast sour diesel you can only get from a clone.I have a mother of it and its some kick ass shit.Def a fav of the local population.
  20. cannaman2.5

    The White House: Open for questions

    I think we should get a group of about 10,000 people and go sit infront of the white house and have a smoke out