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  1. seanec327

    1st medical grow.1400w

    bump for new pics
  2. seanec327

    Plz need advice on setting up grow tent and exaust

    cure.. id go on ebay and get a 6'' inline fan and filter combo and get a speed controller. air exchange is so important or youll have temp issues. a 6'' is overkill eith out a speed controller but itll allow you to upgrade to a 600w later if you choose. a 400w is not enough lumens for 8-10 IMO...
  3. seanec327

    hps for clones??

    in my aerocloner i got roots after 2 weeks under a 400w mh, compared to a single t8 in 6 days. imo opinion HID is to intense for a clone or seedling that doesnt have a established root system..the plant needs to replenish water and nutes they lose too quickly from transpiration from hid lighting...
  4. seanec327

    1st medical grow.1400w

    heres some new pics from 2night. tables are going awesome. plants seem to love it and the cns17 at least 3-4 times bigger now than when i started em in the 13th. will prob flip em next weekend. down to one mother of each now. 1 BB, 1 PW, 1 VK, and 1 IQ13. put the other 2 PW and BB into flower on...
  5. seanec327

    Someguy15s Round 4 1kw Pineapple Express

    lookin good guy.. finally got my tables up n running cant wait to see what i can get off my first go.
  6. seanec327

    marijuana fertilizer guide

  7. seanec327

    1st medical grow.1400w

    bump for 95 degree day in western WA
  8. seanec327

    1st medical grow.1400w

    heres some pics. took a good 7 hours to get everything set up and cleaned...god damn the hydroton is a pain n the ass to clean.but im siked to see how it goes. also trying the CNS17 line to see how it works in the hydro. Heres a few pics of the table in action. some of the plants were showing...
  9. seanec327

    Been at this a while and always glad to help

    prof any info on hempfest n seminars???
  10. seanec327

    1st medical grow.1400w

    finally getting my 2 2x3 tables in veg room and a 4x4 in flower started tomorrow 8/12/10. will be doing a SOG perpetual but vegging for couple weeks or thats the idea:???: got alotta cleaning a prepping tomorrow but should be a good experience. 1.clean trays n res GOOD 2.clean hydroton and...
  11. seanec327

    Hydroponic Perpetual Grow Community

    so glad i found this thread.. finally getting my 2 2x3 table in veg room and a 4x4 in flower started. will be doing a SOG perpetual but vegging for couple weeks or thats the idea:-? got alotta cleaning a prepping tomorrow but should be a good experience. 1.clean trays n res GOOD 2.clean...
  12. seanec327

    Want to Know If Your Plants are Finished?

    fdd sorry im having problems with uploading pics right now..if you could go to my thread below and look at the last pics i have. Its plane wreck day 38-40 12/12. i kno another 2 weeks easily. also what can you telll about the BB day 70+ is it a hermie???its not producing and trichs
  13. seanec327

    A+ for aero cloner on ebay for 60 bucks

    1 bladed leaves are signs of stress... itll be fine
  14. seanec327

    Growing huge plants!!!!!

    Failure to you all!!
  15. seanec327

    Been at this a while and always glad to help

    prof.. if you would be so kind to check out my thread(last page) and take a look at this big bud (day 67 12/12) that isnt flowering....has it hermied or what?? It was deff stressed when I got the clones to root finally(single blades,etc) but was stress free before I put into flower(the plant is...
  16. seanec327

    Manganese deficiency?

    yaa looks like manganese defi..
  17. seanec327

    Help please elctric problem

    sketchy..but should be ok. . what wattage is the AC unit. i bet its more than the 1000w itself.
  18. seanec327

    1st medical grow.1400w

    any1 kno whats up with the BB????
  19. seanec327

    1st medical grow.1400w

    so got dry weigh of the NL today before i put em into jars. 74gs.....guess not bad for a single plant. but want to do better. i dont kno what the deal is with the BB in flower day 65..its not forming buds. it look like its hermied or somethin i dunno there arnt any pollen balls just a bunch of...