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  1. seanec327

    1st medical grow.1400w

    so got dry weight of the 2 PWs 74.3g dry. not to bad.. the quality is awesome tho IMO and taste is very smooth.. much better then the last NL harvest that i only flushed for 2 days b4 chopping. only been curing for a few days and it still wreaks. finally got the green air and pump and light...
  2. seanec327

    1st medical grow.1400w

    just picked up a GREEN AIR PRODUCTS CT-DH-3P CO2 CLIMATE CONTROLLER for $150 on ebay. finally going to get my flower room dialed in
  3. seanec327

    1st medical grow.1400w

    :hump::hump:just picked up a nextgen 1000w with a bell reflector and almost new oshio bulb:hump::hump: for $$350. the dude posted it on this morning for $290 and i guess like 5 others called him before i offered him $350. im gunna put it over the 4x4 tray:-P Ive heard bell reflectors are the...
  4. seanec327

    Mixed SOG

    If there all indica dominant you'll be okk..just expect some to finish sooner then others..I'm running big bud(sativa dominant) with 2 other indy strains on a 4x4 but not filling the whole thing up so the bb wont over shadow the indys
  5. seanec327

    HELP HELP HELP!!!!!! Whats Happening?????

    Looks like ph issues. But pics are kinda crappy
  6. seanec327

    1st medical grow.1400w

    Seriously like neem oil doesn't even effect em..they came into my grow from old bamboo sticks from a previous grow.might have to got nuclear on these cunts
  7. seanec327

    Root entaglement

    Personally I find nothing more gratifying by learning from
  8. seanec327

    1st medical grow.1400w

    just got 5 bb,5 pw, 5 vk, and 5 iq13 into the cloner
  9. seanec327

    Root entaglement

    i wouldnt of cut them down. once those roots start dying and decomposing your gunna run into lots of issues with ph,rot,etc. id do your best to entangle what you can without damaging the others but itll be very hard.GL
  10. seanec327

    Plz need advice on setting up grow tent and exaust

    what cfm is the blower?? ya its up to you now that your running 800w. personally id get a 4ft 2x4 and put both lights on it with the bulbs facing eachother so its kinda like one light just 2 bulbs , just make sure you keep the ballasts outside the tent, if i were you id put 4-5 under each in...
  11. seanec327

    Nutrients: Price vs Results

    this is my first hydro run with cns17, with calmag and hydroplex for the pk booster..ive been using pure pro till now with good results. but so far my plants love it amazing growth since i put clones onto the table last week. i always use clones so im not to worried bout sex with seeds. haha ya...
  12. seanec327

    Nutrients: Price vs Results

    No doubt technology has come a long way in biology and plant has the shady market and business practices for marijuana specific fertilizing companies.. that's all I'm saying. and not just AN specifically, most companies these days have some kind of marketing scheme towards...
  13. seanec327

    How much nutrients do you go through typically?

    Idk res changes are a personel preference.. I run big power heads with intergrated air pumps in my resivors's to keep em fresh and circulated for a long time. Ill change the res 1-2 a month unless I need to flush or see some other kinda prob arises.
  14. seanec327

    Nutrients: Price vs Results

    If uve read any of the wise literature of the great al b fuct then you'll kno amazing results are simple as getting the right npk ratio during the life of the plant.. not $100 bottles of "snake oils".personally I've never used AN so I'm not speaking from personal experience just basic horticultr...
  15. seanec327

    Don't use safer insecticide

    No the issue is spraying while lights are on... the liquid acts as a magnifying glass under the light which was prob y they time is to spray like 30 mins before lights on..and the the bugs are most vulnrable
  16. seanec327

    Don't use safer insecticide

    did you spray while lights were on??? that could be the problem.
  17. seanec327


    med im running the same kinda co2 setup but without enviro controller. i run my co2 for for 1 hour lights on and for 15 minutes every 90 mins in my flower room(so 7-8 times while lights on). 30 mins before each co2 injection(except first lights on) i turn my exhaust on for that 30 mins to...
  18. seanec327

    nute lock?

    ive never heard of salt to leach salts from a option is just use plain phd water..also you can look into salt leaching supplements like clearex,etc that are designed to break down the salts quicker than straight water flushing.
  19. seanec327

    Nutrients: Price vs Results

    look into cns17 line by botanicare... cheap and awesome results for me so far
  20. seanec327

    How much nutrients do you go through typically?

    all depends on the nutrient concentration..could be .1-25Ml per 4l or gallon. im running the cns17 line right now in 18 gal res and it calls for 15Ml(full strength) per gallon. so thats 270 ml per res change. but again thats full strength and would always start with atleast 1/2 strength.