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  1. seanec327

    Northern lights, running out of time

    ya no way of speed up her process. get someone you trust, and premix nutes for them. overall looks awesmone and TASTY im growing some NL myself right now!!!
  2. seanec327

    UPDATED Like a MOFO!

    looks good!!! but next update put all pics at the end, that was a pain in the ass to read haha, what kind of lighting are you using?? and what for temps and ventilation??
  3. seanec327

    importance of fan leaves

    rob said it well
  4. seanec327

    My first 1000w+ Grow (LED+HPS)

    looks awesome.. cant wait to see harvest
  5. seanec327

    Coast2Coast 1st grow (Suggestions Welcome)

    looks good get some airflow over them to harden up those stems asap
  6. seanec327

    Is this White Widow?

    WW has a distinct smell
  7. seanec327

    My Babies. -PICS-

    defii look indica dominant
  8. seanec327

    just placed my order for equipment..

    looks like it will be a awesome setup!!! i wouldnt bother with ozone generator and put the money into co2. you should be fine with the filter and ona if your that worried about smell haha i would also get Co2 into the flower room
  9. seanec327

    1st medical grow.1400w

    :joint:bump for new pics!!!!!!!!:joint:
  10. seanec327

    1st medical grow.1400w

    heres a few pics...clones are droopin still so i trimmed some of the fan leaves to get some weight off. i also got a new clone from a friends called IQ 13 which i think is a local strain!!! looks sexy already and excited to she what she can do.1st pic is NL day 3 in flower.2nd is the new IQ 13 ...
  11. seanec327

    1st medical grow.1400w

    bump for new pics tonight in a little bit
  12. seanec327

    How long should I let my pump run?

    hydroton doesnt hold any water....
  13. seanec327

    Cloning Problems....Soil Mother, Aero Clones

    what kind of lights r u using??
  14. seanec327

    1st medical grow.1400w

    bump for comments and advice....
  15. seanec327

    How long should I let my pump run?

    my times are 8x5mins in veg room and 4x15mins in flower.. plants seem to like it
  16. seanec327

    Please Help me get he right equipment.

    like cuts said you can do ALOT with 4k. space will be your only hold back. there was a website that sold entire set up but i forgot the it??? depending where u live id look at craigslist n see what you can find for equipment, ud be suprised. i am currently doing both soil and hydro...
  17. seanec327

    1st medical grow.1400w

    Here's a few random pics, first one is flower room and shot of 4x4 table with 1000w and other parabolic 1000w in top left of pic( the hole on right over table is where the exhaust ducting is now).sorry for shitty angle its hard to get everything in one pic. 2nd pic is veg room with nutrients...
  18. seanec327

    1st medical grow.1400w

    so hung up the 8'' today... that thing is bad ass. if i didnt have it on a speed controller it would rip my plastic walls down from the negative pressure it creates. transplanted all plants to 5gal except the big buds which went into 3 gal. took 17 BIG clones from the NLs and 1 of the Creeper...
  19. seanec327

    1st medical grow.1400w

    So will be putting one of the northern lights and creeper into flower this week now that my 8''fan is here with speed controller. will be taking as many clones of both northern lights as i can. I super cropped 2 of the Bigbuds to get them to bush out a little.. they still have abnormal growth...
  20. seanec327

    1st medical grow.1400w

    So here some r pics finally. sorry for no good pics of actual room shots. ima gonna try doing a video next time. temps maxed to 85F.. so got intake dialed in to bring it to 80F. Theyre looking happy. (1st pic) 2 Northern lights on left in back row with the creeper on the rights. middle row is...