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  1. Los Reefersaurus

    Mold or bugs

    The easy answer is no, the hard answer is sure if you can cut away all the contaminant and all the material that is adjacent to the contaminant, but the problem with that is that you will cutt away over 50% of the cola , plus the middle is probably gone as...
  2. Los Reefersaurus

    Quantum Boards or COBS?

    fair enough .... carry on I guess I am just more pissed off at the 8 pages of non info I just skimmed though and I am just taking it out on the last guy
  3. Los Reefersaurus

    Mold or bugs

    that is mold, cut it down and get it out of your room
  4. Los Reefersaurus

    Quantum Boards or COBS?

    #newbkind simmer down fella. Your opinion may be right about watts not being a measure of heat production HOWEVER when we growers use 1000watts of led or 1000 watts of hps the demands on the ac are the same. And the rest of you go Make a fucking uv...
  5. Los Reefersaurus

    High quality humidifier?

    + 1 House of Hydro, and John stands behind his gear. I use a 12 emitter unit , works awesome. When my ac sucks all the water out of the air the humidifier puts it back quickly, and doesn't run very long
  6. Los Reefersaurus

    First grow and I think I found a Hermy! What do I do!?!?!?

    when the balls swell then open they will spread pollen everywhere
  7. Los Reefersaurus

    What kind of bugs are these?

    see!!!!!!! you lucky bastard
  8. Los Reefersaurus

    What kind of bugs are these?

    I personally would leave, them sometimes you can develop a wonderful case of insects that actually help you. Keep an eye on them see if you can figure out what they up to. I once had a case of paper wasps that built a nest in my veg room wall to over...
  9. Los Reefersaurus

    What kind of bugs are these?

    I have never seen those before but they are so cute. Are their any symptoms of eating marks or what not
  10. Los Reefersaurus

    First grow and I think I found a Hermy! What do I do!?!?!?

    kill it, but it will not spread to other plants. IT will not make the other plants herm but it will get all them bitches pregnant with junk seed
  11. Los Reefersaurus


    Glad you found a solution
  12. Los Reefersaurus


    Well there is the 100 dollar answer an exhaust fan , the 500 dollar answer a dehumidifier, the 1000 dollar answer an hvac ac unit, then the 3000 dollar answer a quest dehumidifier, and the 4000 dollar answer the 3-5 ton ac unit. So I guess the question goes to...
  13. Los Reefersaurus

    Can one test soil ph by putting soil in water for awhile and using ph strip?

    Gove it a shake that is called a slurry IT will work
  14. Los Reefersaurus

    Mites and/or white mold?

    I don't think that is mites I think it is a caterpillar of some sort, I wold recommend cut of the offending bits if those are the 2 only spots. Still tough to tell, but it it was mites and webbing was showing that think they would be lots of eaten leaves...
  15. Los Reefersaurus

    Mites and/or white mold?

    that is neither I guess, from you less then adequate picture, looks to thick for webbing too think for even a spider. We need better pictures
  16. Los Reefersaurus

    Last Flight of the Hempstar

    next round ... looks fantastic but numbers are a cunt hair more
  17. Los Reefersaurus

    The Curious Misadventures of Gorilla Bubble4

    Then there is number 9, one that is very interesting when it comes to Tric production also a good plant for size more around 22 inches. It is fantastic how quick these plants get big. I grow my Stars for 1.5 months to get them there. Notice that there are resin...
  18. Los Reefersaurus

    The Curious Misadventures of Gorilla Bubble4

    It is day 35 of flower for those clones I put straight into flower. I want to show off some off these plant characteristics. First and foremost is Plant I affectionately call Number 2. It is huge 33 inches tall and a little behind in the bud department. A...
  19. Los Reefersaurus

    Bud washing

    Worms love mold, it is like a fine cheese to them. I find the worms don't seem to touch fresh stuff , they leave it tilll it gets some funk to it then it is gonezo YOU DON'T WASH MOLD OFF. You put the moldy cola in the bin. Then because there was...
  20. Los Reefersaurus

    Bud washing

    its not the mold you are washing off you throw out moldy bud its the spores that that mold has spread onto the rest of your crop. You cant see it or smell it but it is there. Basically if I find any mold the mold bud goes in the worm bin and the crop...