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  1. mlore

    strange mark on stem after powdrey mildew. and weird pod things? with pics

    hey guys ive got a G13 northen lights auto on the go outdoors, also a few more but the problem is with the northen. i had spots of powdery mildew on the leaves and a tiny bit on the stem. there was hardly any at all, just a few tiny spots ona few leaves. i got rid of most of it but when i...
  2. mlore


    george carlin is the man!
  3. mlore


    yes the west do create all the drama and wars. not just the USA, but parts of europe and the UK. im not talking so much as in the 1st and second world war, but everthing after that has been created. alot of the time there has been no need for these wars. wars are mainly about money and control...
  4. mlore


    war is bred on evil, money and control. war is another form of fear. war is what the goverment and higher powers create, and then expect us to go out there and fight for their problems and fight for the lies they have told us just to bring back some oil and to put the eatsern countrys into...
  5. mlore

    Modern Warfare of Battlefield

    battlefield all the fucking way! bfbc is the superior game, especially for multiplayer. nothing beats it online. i will probably still got mw3, but il wait for price to go down a tad. gonna pre order battlefield though! battlefield will smack mw in the balls!
  6. mlore

    hidden gem! on youtube

    exactly what i done, lol
  7. mlore

    Would someone please wish me happy birthday

    Happy Birthday man. make it a hazey one :D
  8. mlore

    UK Cheese? Who's Smoking The Cheese?

    that looks fuckiing beautiful! never had the privelidge to get a clone, been asking around for a while, but its all buddah cheese!
  9. mlore

    UK Cheese? Who's Smoking The Cheese?

    mmm, cheese is around alot where im at. some of the best smoke ive had! and yea it is quite popular. alot of growers grow it because they know it will get sold in a click of a finger. everyone loves the cheese! although lately it has been alot of the buddah cheese, but im not complaining, that...
  10. mlore

    Recent Tornado Outbreak Including My Theory Behind The Joplin, MO Tornado

    ive been beleiving that the goverment have been controlling the weather for a good few years now!
  11. mlore

    How Much Green Can You Smoke a Day?

    i ususally smoke about 2 - 3 grams a day. but when my harvest is finished and i have the weed, il smoke anywhere up to half ounce a day, or even more if i had it :D
  12. mlore

    Which Religion Should I Be? Thinking About Joining a Church

    religion is a lie anyway. its just a way of life for people that cant find their own way to lead it. a form a control! what they do, is divide and then rule you. make you argue and make you against eachother! its what they want i beleive that you are your own god. you make your own choices of...
  13. mlore


    people, does it really matter if the dude lied or not. he posted that picture here because he thought it was interesting, and thought we might want to see, end of. if he put it there, who gives a fuck. coz i sure dont, and you shouldnt either, im sure theres more important things in life to be...
  14. mlore

    So canada found the cure for cancer.. but we dont want it.

    they are slowly killing people off
  15. mlore

    So canada found the cure for cancer.. but we dont want it.

    your right man, hit the nail on the head. where do you think al theses illnesses come from!
  16. mlore

    Which Religion Should I Be? Thinking About Joining a Church

    rastas dont usually class it as a religion, they say it s more of a way of life. kind of the same as buddhism. you dont have to be relgious to believe in a religion. you can take parts out and beleive what you want. i dont beleive in relgion, but i do belive in a way in life.
  17. mlore

    Which Religion Should I Be? Thinking About Joining a Church

    why not buddhism or the Rastafari movement, both spiritual ways of life. happy and at peace.
  18. mlore

    Marijuana Street Price Chart

    Here in london and O usually goes for between £180 - £240 which is about $290 - $370 the £180 end is more likely to be standard stuff. maybe a bit below average. £200 and above usually means dank depending where im getting it. i got a O of kryptonite last week for £200. was doused in THC layerd...
  19. mlore

    Transplanting with Fish, Blood and Bone Meal, Help Please :D

    hey guys, i have already posted this in general marijuana growing but i havent got much reception or help from there. i thought this would probably be a more suitable place seeing as im doing all organic. any pointers or tips will be much a appreciated im growing a few autoflowers this year...
  20. mlore

    Transplanting with Blood, Fish & Bone Meal

    cool man no worries. thanks for the input anyway :D anyone else care to put in aword ? thanks