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  1. mlore

    white/yellow leaf tips, nute burn? pics included :D

    can anyone confirm that this is not nute burn, so I can add my first bit of nutes.
  2. mlore

    white/yellow leaf tips, nute burn? pics included :D

    yea i know its along time. but i didnt se the point of adding nutes as the plant was grwoing really well, and the soil had nutes. thats why im confused as it looks like nute burn, i really do want to add some, i got fish blood, bone meal NPK 4-7-4. i might just give it a handful tomorrow and...
  3. mlore

    white/yellow leaf tips, nute burn? pics included :D

    its a well weird ato though. been going for a total of about 9 weeks, no nutes other than the compost i brought. and its only been flowering for 2 weeks. il just leave it then probably, but by adding no nutes wont the buds come out airy. or somthing?
  4. mlore

    white/yellow leaf tips, nute burn? pics included :D

    i havent been worrying really, i just want to add nutes coz i havent given any. there was some in the soil already but thats it. shes been flowering for about 2 weeks now. its a fucked up auto that has been growing for about 9 weeks already, got stunted at the beggining, but it managed to fix...
  5. mlore

    white/yellow leaf tips, nute burn? pics included :D

    well here is a picture of it today. still with no nutes added. see how perky it is now in the day time?
  6. mlore

    white/yellow leaf tips, nute burn? pics included :D

    Did you read my post? I said I haven't added any nutes.
  7. mlore

    white/yellow leaf tips, nute burn? pics included :D

    By the way, the plants are outside, I took the picture in the afternoon, and not much sun was out, so the leaves may not look as perky. When the sun is out the leaves perk straight up. Thanks
  8. mlore

    white/yellow leaf tips, nute burn? pics included :D

    Are you sure? Because I need a definite answer. I dont want to mess anything up. Thanks
  9. mlore

    white/yellow leaf tips, nute burn? pics included :D

    Hey people, i have a G13 northen lights auto.which i think has some kind of nute burn. im not to sure as i havent added any nutes. the soil is a compost mix which is high in nutrients, which would explain it... but, the plant was totally fine for the first 4 weeks with no problems at all. (i...
  10. mlore

    haha. yeah, you know! all about the londoners! east london too? if thats to much info, no...

    haha. yeah, you know! all about the londoners! east london too? if thats to much info, no worries :D how are you anyway? fucking rain! had to bring my plants in!
  11. mlore

    Is Your Family Pro or Against The Green

    i smoke with my dad everyday. and my mum dosent really like it. but she has started to change her opinion on it though and many other drugs becuase of what i have showed her and told her about all the bullshit lies. ive got my mum to watch loadsa documentaries with me. so i think shes starting...
  12. mlore

    If you could have any alcohol in your house, what would you have?

    im not really an alcohol person. not really my thing. makes people act stupid and do silly things that you wouldnt do sober. and may later regret. also, im not to keen on the buzz, after a while it just makes me feel a bit shitty. even when you only get a bit tipsy, i dont liek the whle head...
  13. mlore

    How long would 18 grams last you??

    probably a week. and maybe afew more days.
  14. mlore

    strange mark on stem after powdrey mildew. and weird pod things? plus pics

    thankyou, you where spot on :D are they anything to worry about other than laying eggs on my plant lol i havent seen anymore. but i see plenty of them bugs around.
  15. mlore

    strange mark on stem after powdrey mildew. and weird pod things? plus pics

    still no one know? i am guessing its a mark that the mildew left, but im still not sure. i dont want it to get worse.
  16. mlore

    strange mark on stem after powdrey mildew. and weird pod things? plus pics

    yea, i know, its really odd. havent seen anymore since though. no one have any idea, what that mark is on my stem then? thats my main problem!! thanks
  17. mlore

    strange mark on stem after powdrey mildew. and weird pod things? plus pics

    im guessing they are some kind of insect but i dont know what kind.
  18. mlore

    strange mark on stem after powdrey mildew. and weird pod things? with pics

    i dont think they are prayin mantis eggs, seeing as im in england and i dont think you get them here. well hardly any, ive never seen one that i can remember. but yea maybe grasshopper. i dont know, ijust thought they where odd looking and thought someone might have an idea of what insect they...
  19. mlore

    strange mark on stem after powdrey mildew. and weird pod things? plus pics

    hey guys, ive got a G13 northen lights auto on the go outdoors, also a few more but the problem is with the northen. i had spots of powdery mildew on the leaves and a tiny bit on the stem. there was hardly any at all, just a few tiny spots ona few leaves. i got rid of most of it but when i...
  20. mlore

    strange mark on stem after powdrey mildew. and weird pod things? with pics

    shit sorry guys, stoner moment just realised i put this in the wrong area. il re post in marijuana plant problems peace