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  1. mlore

    i f'n love alcohol!!!

    drinking is okay. dont really drink myself, onlu on the special occasions. when you save it for them times i enjoy it so much more. usually when i drink i dont enjoy the buzz you get. id rather be smoking the ganja all day everyday :D
  2. mlore

    400$ an Oz

    at least use have got it medical out there. and even if the pirices are steep you still know its gonna be some cured chronic, thats nicely trimmed. some/most parts of the uk we pay more that what use do. yea might be chronic, but its not cured at all or trimmed well and its so fresh that it will...
  3. mlore

    Guy Grows Pot - Calls Cops on Himself

    haha. i wonder if he got in any trouble for it? or if they botherd to bust him?
  4. mlore


    yea man wikid game, i really enjoyed it. also got some cool dlc
  5. mlore

    Whats your favorite movie to watch when high?

    havent got a fav movie as i watch way to manyto even remeber them all. but my one of mtr fav genres while stoned would have to be slapstick comedy. i love silly comedy, like The naked gun Airplane planes trains and automobiles young frankenstein history of the world part 1
  6. mlore

    hey im new my plant is 7 ft tall and not flowering yet

    you should force flower it man, to cut the risk of mold. im in the uk, and thats what i always do. the reason fot his is because of our sdaylight hours. if you left it to go by itself. it most likely wont be finished till the end of october, which is risking it a bit. what you want to do is...
  7. mlore

    What are you smoking on tonight and what are you doing

    i got some sticky icky lemon waiting in my jar at home of a grower friend, also just harvested myself some auto northern lights from g13 im just gonna be chilling with a mate tonight harvesting the rest of the northern and palying som xbox :D then tommorow down the the legalise marijuana event...
  8. mlore

    Legalise Marijuana Event London

    hey guys not to sure where to post this it s already in toke and talk thought i should post here to so more of a widespread of people will see:D, anyone in the UK or london should come show their support. theres about 18000 people apparently attending at the moment. gonna be a good day heres...
  9. mlore

    Legalise Marijuana Event London

    hey guys not to sure where to post this, but anyone in the UK or london should come show their support. theres about 18000 people apparently attending at the moment. gonna be a good day :D heres the link HIGHde Park speakers corner...
  10. mlore

    Comments on G13 Labs?

    i said above, it was because the taproot got lost by the looks of it and got bent, when the stem came up it had a squigilly bend in the stem at the base at it stayed there the whole life. it was also because i left it in a to small of a pot for to long so it didnt grow enough in the beginning...
  11. mlore

    Comments on G13 Labs?

    nah but i was guessing this was becuse it got stunted at the beginning, and just thought to itself that it will wait till its sorted itself out till it hits flowering, but you could also be right lol :D i will deffinately use autos again though, they are pretty cool to work with
  12. mlore

    Comments on G13 Labs?

    well the thing is, it fucked up in the begining, the taproot didnt kno where to go. i ended up having a bent stem at the base and it was taking agies to flower and ended up stunted. it didnt start flowering till about the 6th - 7th week and finished in about 17 weeks. it ended up being about 1...
  13. mlore

    Comments on G13 Labs?

    wikid man, hope the grow goes well for you :D was the first time i had tryed northern, and i liked it quite alot. with a bit of curing it will be some proper chronic hopefully i dont think it will ever be like the original northen though seeing as this is a auto, but its probably damn close :D
  14. mlore

    Comments on G13 Labs?

    hey dude, it may not be what your looking for, but i have just finished a G13 NORTHENLIGHTS AUTO. got it as a freebie. what can i say, realy easy to grow, had no problems. this was a really sturdy plant, got stunted at the begininng but still come through looking wikid. only harvested it...
  15. mlore

    Does Anyone Speak A Second Language Fluently?

    yes i know quite a bit of turkish as im turkish cypriot.
  16. mlore

    Flushing | Do Or Don't?

    i dont flush, but then i only use organics, so there is no need :D
  17. mlore

    Do Prisons Disgust You Too?

    exaclty man, just like any other privatley run buisness! fucking disgusting ...
  18. mlore

    EVERYONEDOESIT.COM Just Wants Your Credit Card Number,Good Luck After They Have It!!

    always been fine with me, ive never had a problem, always got my stuff quick and nicley packged. i do live in the uk though so it might be better
  19. mlore

    Anyone Want To Be My Facebook Friend?

    i would, but i dont really want to have these to accounts connected. according to this i could be anyone, facebook is who i am. im already thinking about taking down all my info of facebook, but its already to late really! but whatever you put on the internet stays, so dont forget that. if i...
  20. mlore

    white/yellow leaf tips, nute burn? pics included :D

    i very much dought its heat stress seeing as my grow is outside, and the sun hasnt been that hot. only the last couple of days its been extra hot! i think ive sorted it anyway. wasnt that much of a problem. ive just added some fish blood, bone meal and its taken to it very well. should be nice...