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  1. mlore

    What TV show do you like to watch right after you get baked?

    i just watch loadsa movies, dont really like TV. but if i have to say, i do enjoy a bit of father ted :mrgreen:
  2. mlore

    Which strains make you laugh a lot and feel happy?

    Lemon Haze, Ak47 :eyesmoke: Super Silver Haze used to make me well smiley and happy, till i smoked it to much haha. My dealers has the shit on a cycle constantly and hes the best grower around here. lovely dry and rock solid, but still stickyness in side and when you grind. quality is just to...
  3. mlore

    Hello from Blighty.

    Hey man, Welcome. Another UK smoker here. sharing your pain with the weather at the start of july! should be effing sunny! Damn Haarp! Hope you get a wicked grow. im glad im not doing it outside this year. Easy Bro
  4. mlore

    syrian torture centers are they real?

    yes i believe they are doing the same thing all over again. its all for power and money. they are creating fear and hate towards people like usual so we all support going into these countries. I dont believe anything the government tells me. althought dosent mean i dont believe he is...
  5. mlore

    someone stole my 7 ft plant! :(

    haha, nah i know who done it. im not gonna go to far for one plant though. but i will wait for my chance
  6. mlore

    someone stole my 7 ft plant! :(

    i know man fuck em! thing is i was about to cut her down weekend just gone, but i was like nah, she has one more week in her. on the monday, shes gone :( i will my friend :D im just happy i know, il wait for my chance
  7. mlore

    someone stole my 7 ft plant! :(

    i think i know who done it. well what neighbours anyway. looking around my garden at the back. theres marks all up the fence and there was a branch by the marks, and on the other side of the fence in their garden, there was a little bud by their shed. so i deffinately got them. it was dark...
  8. mlore

    someone stole my 7 ft plant! :(

    im gonna be on the look out, il tel you that! and when i do find out i will take your advive and go black-ops on their ass! i got a rough idea which house it was anyway! i cant be deffinate though so i dont wanna go round there accusing people of shit when im not deffinate
  9. mlore

    someone stole my 7 ft plant! :(

    i tell you what, im tempted to! i just wanna know which one of them it was. and im gonna try fucking hard to find out who done this! never thought it would happen to me. has to be the house opposite my backgarden, they are the only ones with a good view when it gets to this time of year...
  10. mlore

    someone stole my 7 ft plant! :(

    Hi guys. Just really upset and pissed off at the moment. had my big baby stolen from my own backgarden in the night! FUCKING THIEVES! it looks like i found a trail though. i found a bud they must have dropped climbing over the fence at the back of my garden. i have a few houses backing on...
  11. mlore


    ive smoked myself sober before. no way is it a myth. it just happens somehow when you smoke alot of ganj. if i knew the explanation id tell you, but its deffinately not a myth. peace :D
  12. mlore

    Thermal Imaging, Help Please.

    this is exactlly it. mylar is needed to create the tent. and that aliminum insulation foil wil go on the outside of the tent. everything else should be fine. there is an intake thats like the best airconditioner ever and a carbon filter that outtakes through the chimney. sorted?? thanks
  13. mlore

    Thermal Imaging, Help Please.

    thanks for all your ideas poeple. this is what i think would work. 1. layer the walls with white mylar, 2nd layer black mylar, third layer white mylar. 2. add thermal amliminum foil on the last layer around the walls 3. on the uutside of the tent in the attic put a a/c unit to cool round...
  14. mlore

    Thermal Imaging, Help Please.

    lol i dont think so man, not in an attic.
  15. mlore

    Thermal Imaging, Help Please.

    yes i know this. so how would you be abe to keep surface temps cool. would this sheetiing work for 9 600watt bulbs?
  16. mlore

    Thermal Imaging, Help Please.

    just say there where 9 600watt lamps, what would you need to do?
  17. mlore

    Thermal Imaging, Help Please.

    hey people, i just have a few questions on thermal imaging if you dont mind answering? how would you be able to keep the thermal imageing cameras at bay from the attic (choppers) does mylar work by itsef? or would you need layers.. like, white sheet, black sheet, white sheet? just say there...
  18. mlore

    Crazy riots going on, whats ya thought??

    it is a good quote.there is so much truth in there!
  19. mlore

    Crazy riots going on, whats ya thought??

    When you cut facilities, slash jobs, abuse power, discriminate, drive people into deeper poverty and shoot people dead whilst refusing to provide answers or justice, the people will rise up and express their anger and frustration if you refuse to hear their cries. A riot is the language of...
  20. mlore

    Crazy riots going on, whats ya thought??

    fuck the police and fuck the goverment. they deserve it! the only thing i dont agree with, is the hurting of innocent people and the burning and looting of poeple private buisnesses and belogings. but they can burn down tesco and asda as much as they like because they are greedy coporate...