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  1. Reigning

    Boy, girl, or too early to tell?

    second pic looks like a boy
  2. Reigning

    Strawberry Dream grow

    Had to take a few yellow leaves off today, I hope its not bud rot. I put a considerable amount of worm casting dirt in the soil I used probably should have held off on how much I put in. I also found slugs making homes in the holes I drilled out of the bottom so fuck that shit. Im just going to...
  3. Reigning

    Strawberry Dream grow

    Brought her in for the first time tonight. I have heard ppl getting a greater yield from bringing them in at night as apposed to leaving them out so ill do it.
  4. Reigning

    First Pipe I ever Made

    lol that's too funny. wth made you want to hide it after lmao I would taken a bite out of it and chucked it like SEE YAA!
  5. Reigning

    Strawberry Dream grow

    Yah right now it just smells exactly what I would think a rottan orange smells like, not such a good smell but hopefully later on it will start to smell more like weed. Ive enver smelled growing weed before so I was a little taken back.
  6. Reigning

    Strawberry Dream grow

    hey does anyone know what a good smelling bud is suppose to smell like. Mine right now smells like a bad orange is the best way I an describe it.
  7. Reigning

    First Pipe I ever Made

    Thanks man. Yah I'm used to making water bottle subs but wanted something more permanent this time. I made a few mini trial pipes before going big like this but this one is the coolest one so far. Ive actually never tried the apple in my whole life lol. Just never came across as something to do...
  8. Reigning

    First Pipe I ever Made

    oh yah no this is definitely more of me just wanting to try out a new hobby. The next ones I make will be better than that one. Just gotta get the hang of it but I think the next one I make im gunna try and have no seams.
  9. Reigning

    First Pipe I ever Made

    fuck yah that's what I was actually going for. Next one I try out will probably be more slender and darker. Putting this up to your mouth makes you just want to act like a wise guy.
  10. Reigning

    First Pipe I ever Made

    The inside does not anything in it except probably some dried up wood glue from the seams. I didn't dab any stain on the inside.
  11. Reigning

    First Pipe I ever Made

    So here is the first pipe I ever made, don't laugh at the glue seams I don't have the correct drill bits yet lol. Its maple with a satin oak stain and finish. The draw is very smooth, cant wait to test it out on the outdoor herb I'm growing. Anyways post your pipes, advice, tips, tricks etc...
  12. Reigning

    Strawberry Dream grow

    I just cant even
  13. Reigning

    FROST: general rules from experience....

    Good luck, here is some pics of my girl to keep you hoping =)
  14. Reigning

    Strawberry Dream grow

    Hey hbbum, so your finally ready to harvest her ay. Hope all goes well from the looks of it your in the home stretch. Just fed my bitch today with a bit of banana tea with a few peels tossed into the soil too. I went really light since I never fed her with anything except water before lol...
  15. Reigning

    Strawberry Dream grow

    nice, ya mother nature is pissing me off lately. I want to feed my plant some banana tea today but the rain is making me want to hold off.
  16. Reigning

    FROST: general rules from experience....

    I just moved it over to the shed in order to take the pictures otherwise its in my field all day. I would be able to bring it in at night but I haven't yet. I was thinking more like end of October beginning of November harvest though just because shes so small looking.
  17. Reigning

    FROST: general rules from experience....

    Ok so here she is 3 weeks in after seeing the first initial preflowers. Tiny buds about all the size of the width of my thumb. Its getting towards the middle of September now with night temps reaching 43F at the worst. My question is basically will she bud up enough before frost? October is 3...
  18. Reigning

    Strawberry Dream grow

    Awesome! yah I pulled the little fucker out to see if there was anything and there was like 2 cm long roots like 3 so I was like oh shiti and put it back in. The other one I just put into soil with some powder, its got to get back to vegging since its got a little top nug. Another week for the...
  19. Reigning

    A Combination of Heat Stress, Bent Stalk and Possible Overwatering

    One of my clones from this plant finally has roots =)
  20. Reigning

    Strawberry Dream grow

    Yo one of my clones rooted!