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  1. Reigning

    California Special from seed

    Is this the one you were thinking of doing a mainline with?
  2. Reigning

    Strawberry Dream grow

    ...0% nute grow so far, well I am giving a tablespoon of molasses per gallon.
  3. Reigning

    A Combination of Heat Stress, Bent Stalk and Possible Overwatering

    lol I plan to flower when the days gets shorter =). Ya I couldn't do indoor, I have such a huge field in my front that I couldn't let it go to waste. and its extremely cheaper.
  4. Reigning

    A Combination of Heat Stress, Bent Stalk and Possible Overwatering

    eh what the heck might as well update this deadzone of a thread too lol.
  5. Reigning

    Strawberry Dream grow

    Hey hbbum! just wanted to stop by and show you my girl again. I think she's growing fast now which is GOOD! I put some good dry straw down on top of my soil and also some extra dry worm castings to mix into the top soil aswell. Let me know what you think man =). Oh ya and it may look a little...
  6. Reigning

    Strawberry Dream grow

    Its crazy how it totally created a whole entire new stem basically. The middle of the original stem dried up and the skin around it closed up to create the new one I cant believe what this plant can get threw its crazy. I am expecting it to compensate for all that though being it turn herm or...
  7. Reigning

    Strawberry Dream grow

    I switched her outdoors when her stem finally recouped from almost breaking so its just the sun now. Originally I wanted her outside to start with but she was too tiny and couldn't stand the wind one day and basically supercropped herself this picture alone can tell you why shes so stunted at...
  8. Reigning

    Strawberry Dream grow

    alright here we go....and this is on about day 70ish from seedling that thumbnail isn't what it looked like from seedling...that's a clone I took and made a different thread for.
  9. Reigning

    My Neighbor still has MJ from the 70's

    Weed from the 70s should be framed and put on a wall yo, that's what I would do with that shit, its a fuckin relic man.
  10. Reigning

    Smallest Clone Ever

    Good luck mate, I will certainly channel my hopes for a good grow to you man lol. Kick some ganja growing glute.
  11. Reigning

    Smallest Clone Ever

    That pretty much stinks but I try and be optimistic when it comes to planting things hehe. I used the powder too. You never know I mean it could work, I took it from the very bottom of the stem which are the best ones that root I have heard. I'll keep an update every now and then for you guys to...
  12. Reigning

    Strawberry Dream grow

    Yo and DEFINITLEY make a hbbum mainline grow. That will be a fanastic thing to watch :mrgreen:!
  13. Reigning

    Strawberry Dream grow

    Cool thanks man. I can post up a pic of her to see what you think if you want. She had a major rough start for the first month but is now growing normal but I cant tell if her size is ok.
  14. Reigning

    Smallest Clone Ever

    That's pretty teeny but idk I think mine is smaller lol. If I cut that little clones leaves like you did yours it would be sooo small lol. Ha ha its so small I don't even need to do that though. Im just messing around and was bored today so I decided to post what I was up to. Its so late in the...
  15. Reigning

    Strawberry Dream grow

    I love your pics man, great stuff. Any chance you could do a size comparison to something? I can kind of tell how big it is in relation to the wall but its kind of tough. I ask this because I have an almost 3 month vegged plant from seed in a 5 gallon bucket outdoors and was just concerned about...
  16. Reigning

    Light cycle question?

    It would stunt the growth a lot. Try to keep it on an 18 hrs of light cycle for such a young plant.
  17. Reigning

    i screwed up

    I wouldn't put any cloning gel into that break it might make it worse. just duct tape it with a couple popsicle sticks to brace it.
  18. Reigning

    Smallest Clone Ever

    ill believe it when I see it =P
  19. Reigning

    Smallest Clone Ever

    So I took probably the tiniest cutting from my already tiny plant today lol, and was wondering how small of a cutting have all of you ever took and how successful of a plant was it. Post em up and try to beat me =P
  20. Reigning

    can anyone tell me what i have going on here?

    yes as long as you are 110% positive they are actual genuine marijuana seeds start them out in a wet folded up paper towel in a closed box. I would only start lookin at the seed banks if your seeds turn out to be something other than mj.