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  1. tommy359

    Popcorn Buds,To trim or to not trim, need opinions

    Hey guys thanks for the quick responses, not sure what the plan is yet, i'm thinking i might just hold off and when i'm good to harvest cut the bigger buds and leave the smaller ones to mature.If nothing else i can always use them for hash:) oh yea the plants are actually four wonder woman from...
  2. tommy359

    Popcorn Buds,To trim or to not trim, need opinions

    So I know this topic is somewhat gone over but wanted to see what the general thoughts were. So have four plants at 34 days flower and was thinking about trimming up some of the lower "popcorn" buds as they aren't really getting to much light and are more than likely going to decrease my...
  3. tommy359

    Lets see your WONDER WOMAN Bud Pics!!!

    Glad to see another wonder woman grower on here. My grow is four girls going a 600MH\HPS with flood\drain hydroponics. i'm at 34 days into flower.
  4. tommy359

    GH 3 part system vs. lucas formula

    Well actually my PH by nature doesn't fluctuate wildly an there are no mad attempts to stabilize. I check my Ph daily and have since I started hydroponics, I then write it down along with PPM.My PH after nutrients goes from a 5.7 to 6.0 in seven days. Never had a problem with Ph going from a...
  5. tommy359

    GH 3 part system vs. lucas formula

    I would have to disagree, If your PH is fluctuating to much it could harm your plants just as badly as if you over fert. them. A reasonable cheap electric PH meter on ebay will go sell anywhere from $15 to $90 dollars.I always try to keep my PH between 5.7 and 6.0.I guess it depends on how...
  6. tommy359

    Nirvana Wonder Woman,4 plants Flood\Drain hydro

    Well shit was going through deleting some old pictures and saw this pic. from a weeknhalf ago. Thought I should share ;-) First was on the 22nd second one is from yesterday
  7. tommy359

    GH 3 part system vs. lucas formula

    Hey I'm also using the three part Gh flora series and I would have to say the Grow does run alittle high in Nitrogen but can help alot in the veg. part of the grow but is't really needed in the blooming phase. That said, I would do some research and see what works for you and how your growing...
  8. tommy359

    Nirvana Wonder Woman,4 plants Flood\Drain hydro

    Well 4 1\2 weeks into flowering, so far so good. Started using liquid koolbloom a few days ago and can sorta see a diffrence in the bud sites,am thinking about upping the nutes on the next res. change and seeing how that goes. As of right now PPM is at 1100 and PH is at 5.7
  9. tommy359

    Wonder Woman LST

    very nice man, hows the smell at week 6? I haven't noticed to much of a smell yet unless i accidently brush the plant and all I have to say is FRUITLOOPS!!
  10. tommy359

    Nirvana Wonder Woman,4 plants Flood\Drain hydro

    Thanks, after researching my ass off i ended up building my flood and drain (was much cheaper in the long run) and so far it seems to be working pretty good.So I definatly appreciate the compliment
  11. tommy359

    Wonder Woman LST

    Pics would be Great :)
  12. tommy359

    Nirvana Wonder Woman,4 plants Flood\Drain hydro

    Hey thanks guys, for my first grow it seems to be going pretty good thus far. No real problems,some yellowing during the first couple of weeks of flowering, the temps did get outa hand a couple of times, (low 38, high 97) and even with that stress none of em turned hermie on me. The smell is...
  13. tommy359

    Wonder Woman LST

    Very nice, i got four of these ladies growing and just started week four. How tall is yours? Mine almost tripled in height during the first two weeks of flowering.
  14. tommy359

    Nirvana Wonder Woman,4 plants Flood\Drain hydro

    Starting week four as of today. Bumping up nutes and adding some liquid koolbloom, hopefully see some crazy growth in the next couple weeks. Seeing some leaf warping and some purpling of stems,(You can sorta see it in some of the pics) not sure if this is a genetic trait or if i'm alittle week...
  15. tommy359

    Wonder Woman LST

    Nice looking plants Max. What week of flower are you currently in?
  16. tommy359

    Wonder Woman from seed

    Hey thanks guys,I can't wait to see how this grow turns out and what kind of yield I get off of my four lovely ladies, that is as long as everything keeps going as well as it is now. And thanks sylvania for letting me post on here, i'll keep updating weekly to let you guys know how it turns out...
  17. tommy359

    Nirvana Wonder Woman,4 plants Flood\Drain hydro

    I thought I would start a grow journal on this strain since I couldn't find but a few others who were growing this strain and information seems to scarce indeed. So here it goes, using a flood/drain setup I made myself with 600MH/HPS with general hydro flora series nutrients. About to start my...
  18. tommy359

    Wonder Woman from seed

    The first two are a week before flowering and the last two are middle of 3rd week and middle of 4th week.
  19. tommy359

    Wonder Woman from seed

    Hey Sylvania thats good to know, you will definatly have to let me know how the smoke is and what kinda weight you get after its done drying. And yeah I was kinda wondering the same thing as Smokin about the leaves and when I should expect them to start dropping off so I don't freakout when it...
  20. tommy359

    Wonder Woman from seed

    Hey guys, just read through your entire blog and found it very interesting as I am also growing this Wonderful plant and have been looking everywhere to find some others who had either grown it before or was growing it currently. Guess I came to the right place :)