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  1. T

    Darkness before harvest

    well damn. lol. ok thanks
  2. T

    How long left do you think guys?

    yea you got a bit to go my friend. be patient. it is hard. but worth it. hairs changing brown/orange/amber is a good start. then pay attention to the density and trichomes.
  3. T

    Darkness before harvest

    Just about to harvest, and was wondering does anyone pull their outdoor plants inside and let them sit in the dark for 48+ hrs? ive heard this helps push out every bit of goodness from the inside. just curious if anyone else does it and if it is worth it? also starving the plant for those few...
  4. T

    Should I harvest 3 days early before it rains for 2 weeks?

    dont know how the dog pic got in
  5. T

    Should I harvest 3 days early before it rains for 2 weeks?

    Im having the same thoughts...rain for week straight starting monday night...should i chop sunday night?!
  6. T

    Slight this anything to worry about?

    Outdoor grow. seeing slight discoloration on lower leaves...some dying and falling off...overall plants look nice and green tho...thoughts?
  7. T

    Help please. Week 7 outdoor grow.

    heres a few pics...
  8. T

    Help please. Week 7 outdoor grow.

    sooo plants are doing well...almost like thwy took a few weeks off and then started growing again...nowww im having trouble figuring out if its male or female...2 of the 3 have white hairs, the 3rd does to say thats probably a male?
  9. T

    Help please. Week 7 outdoor grow.

    Very different lol. Mine aremt autos urs a 3 month process where mine are 6 month...
  10. T

    Help please. Week 7 outdoor grow.

    They went in the dirt june 1st this yr. Sprouted prob june 5th...figd i had missed the cut but wanted to still experiment and see what i could possibly get out of it...
  11. T

    Help please. Week 7 outdoor grow.

    Yea i didnt get in the dirt til june 1. Smh. About 6 weeks later than last yr. They get about 10-11 hours of direct sunlight. Slightly shaded in the morning hours. But from about 10am-8pm its full sun
  12. T

    Help please. Week 7 outdoor grow.

    Sorry my phone was in HEIC mode
  13. T

    Help please. Week 7 outdoor grow.

    Got a late start looking burnt and pale with some browning...wondering if its heat stress as temps have been around 90°F and SUPER humid. Havent feed anything but water thus far...may need some nutes? Please help
  14. T

    Am i ready for harvest? 1st grow.

    Yea they look and feel great, does have an "earthy" smell however. Hoping with drying and curing process that goes away...
  15. T

    Am i ready for harvest? 1st grow.

    Temps hit upper 30s, had frost. Didnt want to risk losing the whole thing. Cant control the weather unfortunately, sure wish i could tho!
  16. T

    Am i ready for harvest? 1st grow.

    Cut her down sunday after another great Ravens win!
  17. T

    Am i ready for harvest? 1st grow.

    Nice man looking good!
  18. T

    Am i ready for harvest? 1st grow.

    Updated pics...gotta be getting close now rite??