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  1. georgiagreenthumb

    Royal Haze, 1st try LST, Day 19 of flowering

    Thanx Doc. I went and rubbed some of the sticky off of some fan leaves earlier and to my surprise, it smells like a fresh opened lemon lime soda pop LoL! When I smell on it on my finger tips I feel it creep down the back of my neck with a sense of well-being. I'm reading up on harvesting and...
  2. georgiagreenthumb

    Indoor 150w hps + cfl closet grow

    Looking nice man. The one in the smaller white pot definitely needs more root room. I've noticed by transplanting plants into a bigger pot they pick-up on heavy growth and become healthy. So, if you're wanting to keep 3 plants I would definitely put it in a 3 or 5 gal pot. IMHO
  3. georgiagreenthumb

    Royal Haze, 1st try LST, Day 19 of flowering

    I will read some today. I have until Tuesday off of work with no school work or anything to do so I'm able to sit down and read. But yes, the last set of pictures are current from that night, and she is 22 days into flowering now and the recommended time is 65-70 days. So you were another 6-7 weeks.
  4. georgiagreenthumb

    Royal Haze, 1st try LST, Day 19 of flowering

    I'm going to be flowering another 4-5 weeks at least. I need curing help man...big time!
  5. georgiagreenthumb

    Harvesting and curing for a first-timer?

    Hey fab, how's it going man? My baby is lookin beautiful!! Take a look at her...
  6. georgiagreenthumb

    Harvesting and curing for a first-timer?

    Someone want to give me a link to a first timer's guide to harvest and curing? I was thinking of using the mason jar curing method. But as far the perfect time to chop her down, what EXACTLY to chop down, when to trim, where to store, etc etc. I am lost on. Someone want to help? Thanks alot!
  7. georgiagreenthumb

    Royal Haze LST practice

    Sorry for not posting here, but updated pics are on another post. Here's the link....
  8. georgiagreenthumb

    Royal Haze, 1st try LST, Day 19 of flowering

    Here are some more stoner boner pics of the upcoming buds and a few of how she is tied down. Check it out, let me know what you think.:mrgreen:
  9. georgiagreenthumb

    Royal Haze, 1st try LST, Day 19 of flowering

    From what I've read, RH has a massive yield. This is my first ever grow, and she is looking like she is going to produce alot. But, will keep everyone updated.
  10. georgiagreenthumb

    Royal Haze, 1st try LST, Day 19 of flowering

    Will do. I got some on some other posts, but I'll snap some more tomorrow for ya guys. It's blacked out at the moment.
  11. georgiagreenthumb

    Royal Haze, 1st try LST, Day 19 of flowering

    This is my first baby, she is going to bless me to the fullest. Let me know what you think. Royal Haze Feminized Big Bloom+blackstrap molasses FF Ocean Forest soil 150W HPS
  12. georgiagreenthumb

    Feeding question...someone experienced?

    So it REALLY doesn't matter when I decided to feed her? I want to to continue feeding her at night immediately before lights out. So therefore, she stores up the energy for when the lights are on, if that makes sense? I'm giving big bloom+blackstrap molasses. So that's why I was choosing to let...
  13. georgiagreenthumb

    Royal Haze LST practice

    Yes indeed, she is 3 weeks into flowering. LST worked out nicely she is full of protruding pistils, I look for a blessed harvest. So far so good.
  14. georgiagreenthumb

    Feeding question...someone experienced?

    Hi guys, I am into my third week of flowering, Royal Haze strain and I have been feeding her @ night right before her lights go out. Is that the best time or should I feed as soon as her lights come on in the mornings? Which is best if anyway at all?
  15. georgiagreenthumb

    My first LST....Roayl Haze, 150W HPS

    Well, they're a good defense barrier. So I decided to go ahead and stick'em in there.
  16. georgiagreenthumb

    My first LST....Roayl Haze, 150W HPS

    Here are some pics of my 60 day old Royal Haze. I am attempting LST on her for my first time and I think I have done everything right. I induced flowering 11 days ago and pistils are visible in most locations. Says 65-75 days for flowering on this strain. Fox Farms Ocean Forest Soil, Fox Farms...
  17. georgiagreenthumb

    Lighting help?! Anyone?

    Alright guys, I am lost here. I'm planning my room now and I'm looking at a 1k watt. But I've read some folks use HPS for vegging and then MH for flowering. Is that better than just running HPS all the way through? And if so, would it be alright to just the swap bulbs? Maybe 2 plants max at the...
  18. georgiagreenthumb

    Royal Haze LST practice

    K. I added a 1/2 to my feeding gallon for this coming week. I'm going to go ahead and induce flowering. I'm going to run molasses all the way through except the last 2 weeks. I think she might do good. I'm trying to plan out my grow room now.
  19. georgiagreenthumb

    royal haze

    Here is the thread of my RH. 20 days into vegging. First try @ LST.
  20. georgiagreenthumb

    Agave Nectar??

    I wouldn't use the Agave. I just bought me some good ole blackstrap. But the problem I got, is when am I supposed to start feeding my lady with it? Flowering,vegging, ???? Someone shed some light on this for me please?