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  1. georgiagreenthumb

    *HELP* First time harvest and need some answers.

    Hi guys, Wed will be my first harvest and I have some questions. Is it preference or a rule of thumb, to trim before I hang-up to dry or trim afterwards before I cure? Another one is when I hang the fruit up to dry, does the drying area have to be completely dark or can I hang them up in my...
  2. georgiagreenthumb

    Stinkbudd1's~Royal Haze~ Cali Hash~Green Poison 3 Gallon 400Watt (Long Veg) Yield Try

    Nice grow man! I will be harvesting my Royal Haze Wednesday. This was my first grow ever, so she has taught me ALOT. I only used a 150 W HPS the whole time, and big bloom + black strap molasses feedings once a week. I'm looking to get a little under a oz off of her. I have pics somewhere around...
  3. georgiagreenthumb


    I just started flushing my baby yesterday, and I was wondering if I could still feed her blackstrap molasses in the water feedings? And when I feed her, how much water should I be feeding her? I never set a certain amount the whole time, but now is there a certain amount of water that needs to...
  4. georgiagreenthumb

    *UPDATE* Royal Haze 55 days into flowering....

    I'm not. I need to purchase a jewelers loupe to view the trichs. I think I'm going to judge her by the hairs. Any curing techniques?
  5. georgiagreenthumb

    *UPDATE* Royal Haze 55 days into flowering....

    Ok, I can't seem to find any indoor harvesting info for this strain anywhere. I might wait out until Valentine's day. I'm new to it, but I'm loving it.
  6. georgiagreenthumb

    *UPDATE* Royal Haze 55 days into flowering....

    Here is my freebie seed from Single Seed Centre, Dinafem's Royal Haze. To my dismay I have not seen too many grows online nor smoke reports for this strain. But, she is one beautiful plant. She is under a 150 watt HPS (I know I need a bigger one, but this is personal use I am not wanting to...
  7. georgiagreenthumb

    First Grow, Royal Haze 150W HPS

    thanks for keeping up with my grow though man, I shall keep you posted on every step from here on out. Will take some updated pics next week also :)
  8. georgiagreenthumb

    First Grow, Royal Haze 150W HPS

    The growth of it was quite sporadic for me during veg, and also flowering. Right now she's root bound and not getting enough light so she is kind of stunted which is fine, because of where I live I'm not wanting ALOT of fruit. This is a hobby and for personal medicinal use, no monetary gain at all.
  9. georgiagreenthumb

    First Grow, Royal Haze 150W HPS

    Oh yes SB, I'm not looking at it but flowering time for the RH strain I believe is 65-70 days? So yeah I believe it's got about another 3 weeks or so. I'm just lost about the feeding schedule I want to feed her more of the Big Bloom but I'm scared to lol. This is the first one to bud for me so I...
  10. georgiagreenthumb

    Royal Haze, 1st try LST, Day 19 of flowering

    I am actually going to after I receive my tax check etc etc. I'm doing a big upgrade before spring time.
  11. georgiagreenthumb

    Royal Haze, 1st try LST, Day 19 of flowering

    These are more up to date pics.
  12. georgiagreenthumb

    Royal Haze, 1st try LST, Day 19 of flowering

    Well, I know my RH isn't going to bless with ALOT. I'm running a 150W HPS light. I'm still mastering this wonderful hobby I have started lol. So, upgrades are coming soon. But she is coming along quite nicely.
  13. georgiagreenthumb

    First Grow, Royal Haze 150W HPS

    Right now it's winter. So I'm vegging inside and getting ready for Spring which is in April. I'm going to veg for a while and then throw my Blue Widow outside in spring to flower. I'm going to try cloning with her.
  14. georgiagreenthumb

    First Grow, Royal Haze 150W HPS

    No sir, I didn't want to try cloning yet lol.I got a Blue Widow coming up also. I was going to try cloning with that one. I am addicted to growing now lol.
  15. georgiagreenthumb

    First Grow, Royal Haze 150W HPS

    This is my Royal Haze beautiful baby, 46 days into flowering. I am feeding her once a week with 1 Tbs of Big Bloom,1 Tbs blackstrap molasses. Should I be feeding her, maybe 2 times a week? Anywho, here she is let me know what you think.
  16. georgiagreenthumb

    Feeding questions!?

    My flowering Royal Haze is currently 41 days into flowering and everytime I have fed her I have a gallon of water, with the correct dosage of Big Bloom and a tbs of blackstrap molasses. Is it ok to feed her blackstrap every week?
  17. georgiagreenthumb

    Royal Haze, 1st try LST, Day 19 of flowering

    Thanks man. I'm looking to hopefully harvest around Valentine's Day. I'm hoping anyway. Keep us posted on your RH grow as well.
  18. georgiagreenthumb

    Royal Haze, 1st try LST, Day 19 of flowering

    Here's some more updated. There is one that is white from my flash, but just disregard it. Hope you guys like.
  19. georgiagreenthumb

    Royal Haze, 1st try LST, Day 19 of flowering

    I can't exactly remember. When this one sprouted I was trying to bring a autoflower blue mystic back to life lol. So I didn't tend to this strain too well. But, if I was to say she was probably in veg for almost 2 months, 7 weeks. Then I induced. But yes, she has trichomes EVERYWHERE! Very...
  20. georgiagreenthumb

    Stinkbudd1's~Royal Haze~ Cali Hash~Green Poison 3 Gallon 400Watt (Long Veg) Yield Try

    Hi stink! I have a Royal Haze in flower at the moment. I've done LST on her and she was flowering quite beautifully! I've read that with plenty of water and light she will yield good. I'm trying to find what the avg yield of the strain is, but so far beautiful plant and one heck of a easy strain...