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  1. wsntme


    No EDIT - YEP, they're closed.
  2. wsntme


    First grow yield me 150g of decent bud. I hope for a bit more this time, but to be fair I am using less power and fewer who really knows. I'm hoping for at least 8oz between my one large Money Maker and the 3 smaller Abusive OG's. My first go was just the Money Maker and I had 28...
  3. wsntme

    How do these plants look to you?

    looks like she's got a lot of baby shoots that are wanting to become more.....I'm a fan of HST so if it were me I'd supercrop that girl maybe halfway down.
  4. wsntme

    First time grow scrog, what u guys think? Day two of flower

    How are you keeping the humidity up? Do they have some sort of dome or lid? I've had good success rooting straight into soil but I've always had to keep the plant happy with a humidity dome for a while. They get enough light?
  5. wsntme


    THIS is what i would suggest also. I have the cutter electronics version but it's the same stuff essentially (maybe a diff driver and/or heat sinks). Doing my first cob run (second grow) in a 2x4x5 tent and it's looking good so far....20 days since the flip. there are 4 plants under there but...
  6. wsntme

    Enter The Scrog/Scroggers United Post Page

    Chuggin' along! All looks good thus far. Bud site are starting to develop nicely. I'm debating adding a second screen and using it to further train the canopy to a more even layout. My idea is to just lean each tall stalk to the side a bit until it's near the height of the shortest. I could do...
  7. wsntme

    Enter The Scrog/Scroggers United Post Page

    HA, real question would be why don't i have a humidifier, my understanding is the plants would actually like it a little more humid. My climate is very dry, like 10RH is what I'm used to.
  8. wsntme

    Best lighting for a 2x4 tent

    If those are the only 2 options, I would say HPS. I have not used a mars hydro but my skepticism toward them being good for growing is huge. On Amazon they list a coverage of 1.5x1.5 for for 8sq feet you'd want at least 3....and then you're pulling just as much juice as 400w HPS...
  9. wsntme

    The COB club

    A month since the flip? NICE! I'm 26 days since flip on my current cob run and they're not stacked anything like that yet! Money Maker is the cultivar i'm growing predominantly, got a few Abusive OG plants too but they're equally as far behind/along. Looks like you should be in for a nice...
  10. wsntme

    Dedicated room - sealed from house with intake / outtake and 2220w Cxb3590

    We've got that same Hilti at work.....LOVE IT! Great tool. Suction mount FTW.
  11. wsntme

    Enter The Scrog/Scroggers United Post Page

    Thanks for the positive vibes! heres the most recent
  12. wsntme

    JEW_S_A!!!! JEW_S_A!!!! JEW_S_A!!!

    Way to rep AZ George! smh
  13. wsntme

    First grow what you think so far?

    I hear ya! My first run, I didn't even spend a cent on lighting, it was all borrowed. I used one LED highbay light fixture that ran a single cob(5000K) at 200 watts and then I had some chinese blurple light that was like another 60watts(both measured @ the wall). I was pleased enough with the...
  14. wsntme

    First grow what you think so far?

    I'm not sure if you've looked into them, but you may want to consider going with an LED light that utilizes COB(chip on board) arrays. They will be a bit more that that 100 dollar light on amazon but i think you'll see MUCH better results. You're plants look great and I just can't help but...
  15. wsntme

    Enter The Scrog/Scroggers United Post Page

    I'm thinking at this point, if they get much taller I'll just install the second screen as a means of lateral support (hoping for big flowers) instead of a means of training.
  16. wsntme

    Enter The Scrog/Scroggers United Post Page

    What factors are you guys using to decide whether or not to add a second layer and how far above the first to set it? I just flipped my first scrog into flower 12days ago and the shoots have shot up 7-10" above the screen. They were at 0-3.5" before the flip, wondering if i'm going to want a...
  17. wsntme

    To SCROG or not to SCROG? LED is the question.

    I think he may have some photos in his grow thread. I know I've seen some of the setup. He's got a big badass waterchiller .
  18. wsntme

    To SCROG or not to SCROG? LED is the question.

    I'm doing a scrog in a 2x4x5 tent with 5 CXB3590 @ 260 watts (at the wall) and so far so good! I'm liking that I went with the scrog for sure. I say do it.
  19. wsntme

    Cutter Electronics: Complete DIY COB kits

    Latest shot of my 2x4x5 tent with a growmau5 5led kit. These 4 plants are happy as can be for now. few months ago:
  20. wsntme

    i KNOW your dog ate WEED!

    I feed my dogs rosin chips, they love 'em! Super effective for calming of nerves before/during stormy weather!