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  1. W

    NOOB needs some help here Please

    Yeah it's quite a huge task i got ahead me, luckily my patients are very close and know this is going to take time and money. I've armed myself with about ten different ebooks(in fact got this website from one of them), but none really had how much each plant is going to take up width wise. I'm...
  2. W

    NOOB needs some help here Please

    Sorry for the lack of info, I personally go through an oz a week and my two patients would be about the same So.....about 12 oz every month. Like i told them i'm gonna start slow and work myself into this as to make sure i can get some good medicine and not bunk. They know its not gonna be an...
  3. W

    NOOB needs some help here Please

    K here's the low down. I just got my medical license and have two people who want me to be caregivers for them, that's a total of 36 PLANTS.:weed: I'm new so im gonna take this slow and build up to the full 36 but i want to be able keep this as compact as possible. So to start, how much room am...
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    April Fool Day Hoax

    Love your avatar Sorry just had to say that
  5. W

    The police have a a new canabis detection device.

    not for to long obama signed the bill to stop federal law from interfering with medical patients, forgot when it gos into effect but its not too long from now
  6. W

    Quick question.... Please help

    I'm kinda strapped for cash at the moment but i might make something like this in my final location it does definitely look convenient plus i'd still be able to use that room and move the operation when we decide to have the next child, thanks for the input.
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    Best Joke to Tell High?

    First off i have a young daughter and couldnt agree with you more but Damn this is a joke thread and id hope thats how the guy would want it to be takin
  8. W

    Quick question.... Please help

    well again thanks everyone for your quick responses ill try the frozen two liters and see if that helps humidity i was able to get the temp down to 70 by opening the window in the room slightly we will see if the wife even notices. the humidity also came up a little with the window being open...
  9. W

    Quick question.... Please help

    The gaps on the door are pretty large but there no way of venting because this inst going to be a final location this is just the first one, and its my wifes closet and she cut my balls off if i cut holes in her closet. Light leaks arent really problem because i plan on putting up this white...
  10. W

    Quick question.... Please help

    i have one osilating fan on 24/7 and the closet door open all but when im sleeping.
  11. W

    Quick question.... Please help

    Okay, I have two plants growing in a closet under 6- 55watt cfl's just started them two weeks ago,they are going great so far, but my problem is I can't get the temperature below 85 degrees and humidity is as low as 20%. This is my first grow and I'm wondering if this is going to be a problem...
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    juicy fruit... my new years treat

    im drooling. Seriously! I know this is an old post but just checking out what kinds i should grow. This might be one
  13. W

    Best Joke to Tell High?

    Took me two days but i finally got it i feel stupid.
  14. W

    The Real Reason Marijuana Is Illegal

    Man this guy must be a racist, spitting bullshit, go continue to smoke yourself retard, I'm hoping for the first marijuana OD so no one else will have to read your retarded post, thus making the world a better place.
  15. W

    Why does it seem that all custom built grow boxes come with exactly 3 CFL's?

    What kind of cfl's are you using the twisting bulbs or the tubes.
  16. W

    Anyone Else Get Lots Of Anxiety At Night Without Weed?

    Dude i haven't smoked in 3 months(trying to get better job) and i feel like i haven't slept a normal night in that long too. I'm up till 7am then sleep till 2pm i freaking hate it, sleeping all day but I don't sleep otherwise. I need to smoke to sleep, I need a damn job!