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  1. *smokey*

    Flowering questions.... pls help

    Stick em back under the hps mate. More light = more bud!
  2. *smokey*

    Flowering time for BF blue cheese anyone?

    Just wondering if anyone has grown these before and have any idea how long they will take in flowering? Thanks.
  3. *smokey*

    Prices In Your Town

    Where I live it's... £25 - 1/8th £100 - 1/2 oz £200 - 1 oz Have a friend in scotland and it's at £250 - 1 oz Getting far too pricey for my liking. Good if you wanna sell it though I suppose.
  4. *smokey*

    Hello from the UK, long time smoker, newb to growing. =)

    Hey mate, nice to see a fellow uk'er! I'm only on my first grow myself, 3 weeks in to flower at the min and going strong, really good site with great people! sorry cant point you in the direction of any threads but some of the stickies in some sections have lots of good info. If you got any...
  5. *smokey*

    less then 1/4oz off a whole plant...whats wrong?

    I'm thinking you may need more light mate, also the flowering nutes seem a tad bit high on the N side, I use 2-2-4 for flowering and 3-1-4 for veg also using AN big bud which is 0-1-3 for flowering, I'm just learning myself but this is what I recon. I say more light because the node spacing on...
  6. *smokey*

    Complete Shock!

    Agreed with bloodhound. Get a deep pot and plant so that there is only an inch of stalk showing from the top of the soil. They should do fine, thats what I'd do anyways. Peace
  7. *smokey*

    less then 1/4oz off a whole plant...whats wrong?

    What lights are you using matey? Any nutes? Fans etc...
  8. *smokey*

    Hello from SoCal..

    Hey mate, some nice looking plants u got there! That setup is virtually the same as ive planned to do after the grow im doing now, just got 5 blue cheese in flower at the min. How long has yours been flowering mate? All the best.
  9. *smokey*

    Blue Cheese 3 weeks flower, how they lookin?

    Thanks guys, thought they looked good but its always nice to hear! Lol No idea what sorta yeild to expect but anything will be good for my first go. Off to smoke a nice joint now. Thanks again. Peace
  10. *smokey*

    Blue Cheese 3 weeks flower, how they lookin?

    Hey fellow RIU`ers, well this is my first grow, i did start a journal but didnt really take off so im just going to post the odd update here instead, any ways... The grow so far... 400w mh for veg and 400w hps for flowering, Canna vega for veg Canna Flores and AN big bud for flowering (all...
  11. *smokey*

    My ph is way too low

    ph up is the way to go to get your ph up, £7 for a litre bottle, failing that bicarb of soda will make it go up aswell. better to use the proper ph up though. hope this helps.
  12. *smokey*

    digital ballast problem hps mh

    Is the ballast for mh and hps? Some are only for one or the other i think.
  13. *smokey*

    lighting requirements

    All depends how much room youve got mate, if topped then it will need a bit longer to veg just to recover in my opinion. Im doing some blue cheese at the min and doing about 5-6 weeks veg then going to switch to 12/12, just lets the plant mature abit before flowering. You gotta think though, the...
  14. *smokey*

    lighting requirements

    You can do it by all means but if you put in veg for 2 weeks- 1 month you would be better off i think. Most people do 12/12 from seed with lots of plants to balance out the yeild abit. Happy growing anyway!
  15. *smokey*

    i need advice on how to lower the pH in my coco grow - Jack herer

    Either ph up and ph down will do it best £7 each for a 1 litre bottle and you only need a drop to do the trick, or if money is an issue i think bicarb will make it go up and lemon juice will make it go down. But ph up and ph down are better for your plants. Hope this helps.
  16. *smokey*

    Germinating seeds

    Hiya mate, make sure the paper towel stays wet, i would have thought after a week they would have popped, i personally prefer to get a shot glass and fill that with water and just put the seeds in that, within 24 hours they usually have tap root showing if not leave for another 12 hours and...
  17. *smokey*

    First time ever growing....

    No probs mate, if your unsure about owt just ask, i know what its like when starting out, too much info to take in sometimes! Happy growing!
  18. *smokey*


    I just plugged mine in to a timer and off i went :? What would you want a relay for exactly? I may be wrong mate but i wouldnt think you need one.
  19. *smokey*

    First time ever growing....

    Hiya mate, Sum answers... 1. You need to decide where your going to grow... In a room, a closet, or a grow tent? You will need a light, some fans(exhaust and intake) you need to think if smell is goin to be an issue, if so you need a carbon filter, plant pots and soil if your growin in soil...
  20. *smokey*

    wat temp. do i need in a 80cm x 80cm grow tent

    Hey mate, I have a 1mx1mx2m tent with a 400w in and temps range from 25-27c, how Tall is your tent? To keep my temps in check I have 2 fans blowing across my light to move the hot air, you could get one with a cool tube which would be even better at keeping temps down. Hope this helps a little.