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  1. *smokey*

    Electric Used for Better Plant Growth?

    no probs mate, thought it was real interesting stuff, i`m guna get one in the next few days and run one plant with it and one without next to each other. i`ll post results and pics when in process too. peace!
  2. *smokey*

    Electric Used for Better Plant Growth?

    ok guys, i found this on another forum, sorry if its already being covered here but i havent seen it... what do you guys think? i`m going to give it a go i think and see what happens. We are continuing this conversation over at the Fractal Culture forums. Feel free to drop by and help out...
  3. *smokey*

    600w 2ftx3ftx8ft closet grow OVER-POWER

    hey man, yeah nice avatar! i`m guna be watching this, critical mass is my next grow! good luck mate!
  4. *smokey*

    Hermies!?! Help!~~

    Look fine to me matey.
  5. *smokey*

    Question About Hermie..

    I believe seeds from a hermie will be hermies, i may be wrong though mate so i would wait for a second opinion on that. Peace
  6. *smokey*

    Major help issues

    I would think a cool tube or cooled hood would bring it to roughly where u want to be mate.
  7. *smokey*

    Major help issues

    Whats the temp currently at mate? I think an air cooled hood or cooltube would be better than another fan at lowering temp though. Peace
  8. *smokey*

    Confused about Yeild

    Well ive just done 5 blue cheese, under a 400w hps veged for 4 weeks, got just under 2oz a plant, so a 1000w should do a little better but it really depends on lots of things.
  9. *smokey*


    Yeah mate 1000w for flowering deffinatly! Should produce some nice buds with that! :weed:
  10. *smokey*

    blue cheese harvest (few pics)

    Hey Everyone, well its been a bit since i harvested these and i just thought id throw up a few pics of how the grow went. enjoy guys, any questions or comments welcome as this was my first grow. Thanks p.s. sorry for the quality of pics, only had my phones camera at the time.
  11. *smokey*

    Some stoned person identify my fossil!

    I agree with beginnerbloomer, looks like it could have been an isopod or some other strange creature. Nice find anynway, i got a collection lying around somewhere. Peace
  12. *smokey*

    Cannabis Legislation For The UK

    I think it will be quite a long time before its legalized in the uk tbh, hopefully some time in my lifetime.
  13. *smokey*

    Quick question +rep for replie

    What 420 god said, i dont think one 30 minute interuption will hurt anything, ive had to do it with mine twice thisgrow while on flower, not noticed any thing bad because of it.
  14. *smokey*

    growing one tall plant with shorter ones

    What i did when a few of mine were way bigger than the others is to just pop the smaller ones on containers to bring them to the same hight, id much rather an even canopy than only a few dominent colas, may not be convenient for you but its an idea, other wise i dont see a problem with the 250w...
  15. *smokey*

    Watering ? Lighting ?

    Hey mate, 20/4 is fine for now and even when they sprout, i use 18/6 for veging but thats just personal preferance, what light a you using? If its a hps or mh then be careful not to have it too close otherwise you can fry the little seedlings when they sprout. As for watering... Its hard to say...
  16. *smokey*


    Ive done them before by putting them straight in the soil, worked for me most of the time to be honest, had a better germ rate by popping in a shot glass full of water for 24 hours in a dark warm place and wait for em to sink or crack, if not cracked in 24 hours give em another 12, soon as it...
  17. *smokey*

    Veg smell for AK48

    Im doing 1 ak48 at the min in with 5 blue cheese and non of them really smelled in veg, just a general plant smell. Now about 6 weeks in flower and when i open my tent its like a flood of fruity smells gushing out. Lol happy days! Good luck with the grow anyways.
  18. *smokey*

    Big blackmail problem

    Why pay and move the stuff? Waste of money?? Just move the stuff, problem solved!
  19. *smokey*

    Big blackmail problem

    Even if you did pay it, theres nothing stopping him grassing you up just for the hell of it, so you may loose your money and still get busted. He will have his quick fix of money, and lets face it... He doesnt give a shit what happens to you. If you dont know them then you dont know what they...
  20. *smokey*

    First grow....HELP

    They will be stretching towards the light mate, i dont think a fish tank light will be stong enough to be honest, if they are looking really stretched get some deep pots any bury the stem nearly up to the first set of leaves and move them closer to the light. As for the white stuff, im...