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  1. *smokey*

    WTF is this

    Looks a bit like an earwig to me but cant really tell. :confused:
  2. *smokey*

    Plant movement help

    Hey mate, id keep it in veg for now and probly a few days to a week after the move, best way i can think to move it is in a large enough cardboard box, and just be careful with it! Hope the move goes well for you anyway mate.
  3. *smokey*

    Grow Your Own... Pipe.

    Nice idea mate, recycling at its best! :clap: Guna try my own next grow!
  4. *smokey*

    Grow Tent Setup, OK?

    K thats exactly as mine is thanks man. I might see what a small intake will do.
  5. *smokey*

    Grow Tent Setup, OK?

    Hey guys! First off sorry for hi-jacking the thread a bit but i feel its all relavant. ive got more or less the same set up as you guys with the 600w's. Whats your temps like in the tent with the Air cooled hood? And how have you got it set up? Eg carbon filter>fan>hps>exhaust. I ask because my...
  6. *smokey*

    Air Drying Question........

    Hiya mate, i would say 4-6 days is ideal, any less and the taste suffers i think. i like the stems to snap but not break off fully, if you get me. Then it to the jar for how ever long you like, all the trick is to dry them slowly as im sure you know. All the best.
  7. *smokey*


    Hey mate, thats the reason i decided to go for an air cooled hood instead of the cooltube, i did think about making my own reflector as you have done but couldnt be bothered in the end! What tent did you go for? Thinking of upgrading myself one day soon. Hope you get the reflector sorted any...
  8. *smokey*

    Do These Look o.k? 31 day Old Autoflowers

    Hey mate, looking great so far, i use canna and cant fault it myself never used canna boost though so cant help on that, i wouldnt worry about the 2 that are slightly taller either to be honest. Hope they carry on doing well for you mate.
  9. *smokey*

    2 Weeks Into Flowering and Nothing Showing. Smells of Mold. Please Help!

    Pics would deffinatly help mate, also temps,humidity n stuff is good. All the best.
  10. *smokey*

    Autoflower Plants Light Cycle 16/8

    I would do at least 18/6 from start to finish, thats what i do, lots of people use 24/0 or 20/4 though.
  11. *smokey*

    Royal Wedding, anyone watching??

    The royal family are really germans. They have done nothing but take my tax money! Lol I wont be watching myself, but hope you enjoy it!
  12. *smokey*

    Inline fan -> HPS -> Carbon filter?

    Nah mate, if the fan and filter are before your lamp the heat will be blown away from the fan and filter, its how mines set up mate and it works well for me.
  13. *smokey*

    Indoor Growers Using Soil

    Bio bizz all mix for me, all the way from start to finish.
  14. *smokey*

    Inline fan -> HPS -> Carbon filter?

    You can! I personally have mine...... Carbon filter-fan-hps-ducting to window Only done it like that so the fan isnt pulling warm air through it, heard it shortens the life of the fan if its pulling warm air, dont know if this is true though.
  15. *smokey*

    Wtf msnbc???

    Haha the royal wedding! Its just 2 people getting married, happens every day! Lol Its doing my head in 2! Even my 5 year old came home from school talking about it! Sorry if you like the royal family btw, no offence to you, but the royal family dont do anything for me at all apart from take my...
  16. *smokey*

    Shouldnt My Plants be Bigger?

    Hey mate, i wouldnt worry 2 much, i had one that was less than half the size of the other on my last grow, produced a bit less but it was the best bud out of 5 plants. Dont forget they will double or treble their size when in flower aswell. Imagine them three times the size... And if you dont...
  17. *smokey*

    How to Sell and Not Get Caught

    Really its not the dealers that are the bad guys at all i dont think, its the government fault the black markets there in the first place, with their "war on drugs" its never going to go away until cannabis is fully legalised either. Even drugs on script have a black market, its the way of the...
  18. *smokey*

    How Much Do You Pay For Your Electricity?

    ours starts at 21 p kw/h but then when i use so much it goes down to 9.4 p kw/h i think, its damn expensive anyways! lol... thats in the uk btw.
  19. *smokey*

    Temps dropped to 5 degrees and now leaves are turning purple!

    hey mate, i wouldnt think it will be a problem as long as it is ok now, cold temps can turn plants purple so thats normal i would say, i`m no expert but i think you will be fine if the temps now sorted. all the best!
  20. *smokey*

    now that i got it what do i do??

    hey mate, ive used both before and mh is deffinatly better for veg, but a hps will do the trick, myself i still use a mh for veg and hps for flower, but thats just my opinion. hope the grow goes well for you either way mate.