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  1. *smokey*

    My Buds are TOO DRY-what to do??

    Pop a bit of orange peel in the jar and keep checking it.
  2. *smokey*

    Container Size

    I would do a transplant just before switching to 12/12 give them a few days to recover then switch. Thats what i do anyway. Less stress in flower the better i think.
  3. *smokey*

    Im new, and need some help

    The purple in the leaves might be from the weather being slightly on the cool side, pics would help but u certainly wanna put some holes in the planter for drainage, not sure if the lighting mentioned would be enough either to be honest with you, get some pics up when u can anyways. Peace
  4. *smokey*

    Smoking Weed with Antibiotics

    I have smoked and took antibiotics lots of times mate, i think you would be ok from personal experience, but i am no doctor.
  5. *smokey*

    i am flowering in grow room at 86f plants a bit limp

    I had some barneys blue cheese a few months back and left them for a day too long between watering, they all drooped over from lack of water, watered and within 6 hours they were back up. But as stated pics would be best.
  6. *smokey*

    My main cola

    What lights are you using matey? Nutes n ph of soil n stuff will help also. Peace
  7. *smokey*

    UK Outdoor Grow. [With Pics]

    Hey mate, im a fellow uk'er, their looking good! Not done any outdoor before, Was thinking about doing one this year but couldnt find anywhere to grow around me :-( Hoping for next year i can find some where! Hope they turn out well for you. Are you going to be updating as they progress...
  8. *smokey*

    So honestly how hard is it to mask the smell of a grow?

    Get a cabon filter like everyone has said, also look in to putting a few ona blocks, or some ona gel around the place, neutralizes odors n stuff. This is what i do and usually cant smell a thing apart from harvest time. Hope it works out for you anyway.
  9. *smokey*

    will my girls turn hermi?

    Id move the on off time to a time you can just unplug and plug in the light until you can get a new timer. If it is already then just manually turn it on and off for now.
  10. *smokey*

    Heat Problems please help!!!

    Putting it on either side of a fan will lower the fans effectivness.
  11. *smokey*

    EMERGENCY! Leaves turning very white on indoor flowering plants taken outside

    Sun bleaching maybe? Thats all i can think that would turn it white. Maybe something else tho...
  12. *smokey*

    Jedi Flipping

    Ive flipped some pancakes before if that counts? bongsmilie
  13. *smokey*

    Day 39 Flower Hermie Help

    Chances are if ones opened the damage is already done as im guessing theres a fair bit of air flow where the plant is, just carry on and keep a good eye on them i think.
  14. *smokey*

    Has anyone got their seeds from attitude june promo?

    I wouldnt worry too much just yet mate, wouldnt you get a letter from customs if they were seized? I live in the uk and it can take anywhere upto a week for me to get seeds. Hope this helps you put your mind at ease.
  15. *smokey*

    Stop these rat bastards! [BILDERBERG]

    Cant we all just get along? Go smoke a bowl and chill the f*#k out people. All this bickering on this site is rediculous, if a bunch of stoners cant get along peacefully there is something wrong... Or some people arnt smoking enough! Thats my rant for the day done. Peace
  16. *smokey*

    question about grow lights

    Makes sence i suppose, but they arnt guna sell many the way they have them priced. Lol
  17. *smokey*

    um is this right?

    Yes it is, you want a negative air pressure. I dont use an intake fan myslf, just passive intakes. But if u are it should be smaller than the exhaust.
  18. *smokey*

    question about grow lights

    Beats me mate, would have thought the 250 should be cheaper but o well.
  19. *smokey*

    Help! lights problem

    You want 2700k cfls for flowering and 6500k for veg.
  20. *smokey*

    Covering Flowering Smell

    Ona block or ona gel works well for me if things get a little too stinky.