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  1. *smokey*

    Regarding light and heat?

    Dont see any problem with white paper mate, just Make sure it isnt going to contact a bulb or anything. Not sure about the aquarium light though.
  2. *smokey*

    cannabis fell over HELP PLEASE!!!!!

    As long as its only fallen over due to being top heavy it shouldnt be a problem, just keep it supported, if its fallen over for another reason then i dont know. Pictures tell a 1000 words, so get one up if possible.
  3. *smokey*

    First time Poster/Grower Question,

    If your doing autos they will grow and flower in any light schedule, better 18/6 or 20/4 all the way through. No need to switch with autos. Reg or fem seeds you can either do 12/12 from seed or veg in 18/6 till you want to switch to 12/12 to flower. Peace P.s. I have grown autos under 12/12...
  4. *smokey*

    Nutrients for flowering

    You in soil or hydro matey? Soil i use canna terra flores, pk 13/14 and im trying some canna bloom accelerator at the moment too with good results, they are many many other good combinations of nutes though so id wait for a few more answers and see what you think would be best. Cant help for...
  5. *smokey*

    If my plants are budding..and I didnt clone how do I put it back into veg ??

    Only way i know of is bringing it indoors under 18/6 again to revert it back to veg mate, never done this before though but im sure others will chime in with ideas soon. Peace.
  6. *smokey*

    Massive douche in grow shop

    Haha what an idiot, the guys at my local shop are ok apart from one whos a bit mardy... Dont think he would talk to customers like that though, you should have showed him that they arnt all the same, could have just made him worse though so maybe not. Its his business hes wrecking doing that...
  7. *smokey*

    CFL or 600w MH?

    600w deffinatly mate if you can mate, they give off a bit of heat though.
  8. *smokey*

    Can easy rolls suspend a 600w light?

    I went and got some thin chain and a couple of links from b&q for mine! I wasnt convinced! If others say they do then i guess they must hold it ok. Peace
  9. *smokey*

    (N)I need some N

    As long as their not heavy in flower, mix up some high N nutes, put in spray bottle and spray away(id do this when lights are off). I personally wouldnt be using my urine, but each to their own.
  10. *smokey*

    Can you smoke premature flowers?

    You can certainly smoke em if you want, might get you high, worth a go if you ask me mate.
  11. *smokey*

    Plant WON'T grow?

    Is it in a larger container than the others? I had one that was and it grew very slow like that. Was fine though and produced some nice bud. Id keep it anyway.
  12. *smokey*

    1000w HPS Vs 600, 400, 250

    i think the 600w has the best lumens per watt out of all of them mate, and so should produce the highest yeild in theory. Also the MH bulb is better than the hps for the veg stage, i use MH for veg and then switch to hps for Flower. lots just use hps all the way through with great results...
  13. *smokey*

    How to tell if seeds are useless?

    Well if its in a dark container and the seed is under the soil ( where it should be) then the seed is in a dark place till it sprouts anyway? No? Germinating seems to have gotten mo and more complicated, its a seed... Pop it in the soil! Just my 2 pence.
  14. *smokey*

    Heat stress? heat issues. Help needed.

    Have the hole that allows air in at the bottom of the tent mate, alows better cirulation of cooler air. also where is the hot air going to? If its back in to the room where your drawing the air in from then thats the problem. Hope this helps P.s. Im running a similar system atm and with the...
  15. *smokey*

    Your preferred Germination Technique.

    Only ever had one not crack and it just took a few days longer, ive had good success with just potting straight in to soil also, just seems to take forever.
  16. *smokey*

    Your preferred Germination Technique.

    Shot glass with water in and soak for 24 hours then straight in the soil. Works every time.
  17. *smokey*

    Check this "bud"

    Hey mate, do you know what sorta light shes using at all?
  18. *smokey*

    cloudy and amber too late!

    30% ish amber and rest cloudy for me mate, i wouldnt do it as the above document states imo. Peace
  19. *smokey*

    hey all fellow tokers...

    Hey mate, welcome to the site, there are lots and lots of strains to choose, try having a look through the strains reviews... Might help you choose something. Also id have a look through the forum in general, lots of tips in the newbie section and other areas, should give you a good starting...
  20. *smokey*

    My Buds are TOO DRY-what to do??

    If its too dry then put in some orange peel keep checking it till its the desired moisture, then continue the curing process. Thats what i would do.