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  1. F

    t5 specturm mix

    I was going to go with the 6 bloom an 2 veg bulbs for the bloom, but I think I'll try it your way. Also, I'm into day 30 and 40 of a 7 plant grow, but all the plants seem so short and stunted with none of the nodes more than an inch apart. I would of flipped already, but but wanted to get some...
  2. F

    t5 specturm mix

    I'm fixing to switch to bloom and wanted to hear what spectrum has worked best for everyone using t5 lights (4' 8 bulb). I've heard people say mix of bloom and veg: Veg - 6 6400k and 2 2700k Bloom: 6 2700k and 2 6400k Or an even mix of both bulbs. Has anyone tried different combinations...
  3. F

    "oh my god, my pot killed someone!"

    That's what my roommate said to me as we watched someone pass out in front of us and go into an epileptic like seizure in front of us. He had just purchased some Skunk weed from my roommate and against my better judgement, took an extra bong hit...this was truly one-hit bud. Back in the early...
  4. F

    What sort of mix are we talking about for 4ft 8 bulb t5? Should I go 6 bulbs 6400k and 2 bulbs...

    What sort of mix are we talking about for 4ft 8 bulb t5? Should I go 6 bulbs 6400k and 2 bulbs 2700k for veg or half and half? And for flowering, the reverse?
  5. F

    Earth Essential Cow manure and Compost mix

    Has anyone tried Earth Essential Cow manure and Compost mix, based in Colorado? I have a closet grow with t5's 4ft 8 bulb and the plants are in day 26 from bagseed. During transplanting, I did not dig a big enough hole so I covered up some of the exposed roots with Earth Essential Cow...
  6. F

    I just read your sour og journal. I'm growing with t5's and was wondering if you've ever...

    I just read your sour og journal. I'm growing with t5's and was wondering if you've ever flowered with 2700k bulbs instead of just 6400k for the entire grow?
  7. F

    Is this a good t5 light - Amazon for 92.00

    Hey, which brand of t5 lights did you buy? Do you have pics from your grow?
  8. F

    Is this a good t5 light - Amazon for 92.00

    Yes, I'm definitely going with the 8 lamp 4ft. size instead. I just saw this amazing t5 scrog video, and the guy said he used "slimline" 8 bulb 4' from HTG. I think he meant slimstar instead of slimline...could not find slimline on HTG. Here's the...
  9. F

    Is this a good t5 light - Amazon for 92.00

    I've been doing a lot of research to start my first indoor grow...well, actually it's my second indoor grow, but I haven't grown since my college days, over 30 years ago. I have an extra 10 x 10 bedroom which I'll use for the grow and decided on the SOG soil method for cultivation. I plan on...