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  1. P

    Exhausting a 12,500BTU a/c

    I'm triyng not to exhaust the A/C's heat into my garage. Was hoping this could be done, maybe i need a bigger/smaller inline fan? Or maybe a wood box would be better. I'm sure someone has done something like this with good results.
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    Exhausting a 12,500BTU a/c

    I have a few hygrometers around the canopy i just wanted to know the min/max temp the ac unit puts out. I had the A/C set for 64F and it never reached that in the room lowest it would get was 74F. I dont even have my 1000w HID on yet and the room is still not cooling well enough with just a...
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    Exhausting a 12,500BTU a/c

    So i just installed a 12,500 btu window style A/C. I put a rubbermaid tub around the sleeve and taped it and have it exhausting with a 435 CFM 6"inline outside. I first ran it without the hole in the top and the condenser would kick off after about 10min and it was getting really hot. After i...
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    My new sealed room setup 8x9x10

    So here it is, my new layout. I got some bad clones last run that were infested with root aphids and had to build a new setup. Any tips or comments the room is totally sealed with 5mm white poly. I have about 8 more 4 bulb floros and im thinking of using 2 for side lighting not sure if these...
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    I'm having serious problems with worms/ caterpillars and mites please help

    veging or flowering? soil? hydro? english?
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    Cloning Problems

    Cloners allow oxygen to get to the cuttings, plugs just soak the water up and dont allow oxygen in.
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    Flowers turning brown/Leafs crumbling w Pics

    Yes, my tap water is from a well. This water is bruuutal i can let it sit for 24 hours and it turns brown pretty much. TONSSSSSS of iron, if you use bleach in my washing machine AHAHAHAHHA i ruined tons of shirts that way b4 i learned. I cant spot any leaf miners i thought thats what it was...
  8. P

    Flowers turning brown/Leafs crumbling w Pics

    Yea, i do use RO water from a bulk dispenser its always been spot on at 7.0 from the dispenser. After putting nutes and then PH up its sitting around 6.0 to 6.5. Just chcked them and it seems that the ones with the brown hairs may have been cause by excessive fan blowing on them. Would the...
  9. P

    Flowers turning brown/Leafs crumbling w Pics

    Yes i do have to run a humidifier during flower, i live in the desert and the humidity here is like 5-10%. I useally keep the closet at about 30-45% humidity. The humidifier has been running for the entire grow and has not caused any issues. Its just a basic Ultrasonic(vibrations create the...
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    Flowers turning brown/Leafs crumbling w Pics

    bumpy the only thing i could find close to this would be like a mag def. Anyone? look at the 2nd post 1st pic. You can see it looks like glass and it just crumbles when touched. Virus? or Fungus? Ive tried to "rub" it off and they just crumble off. Looked at them under 45X scope cant see any...
  11. P

    Flowers turning brown/Leafs crumbling w Pics

    Few more pics are all of the same plant some of the bud sites look great. A few are doing this brown crap and the leaves just crumble. The fan blows on this one a lot could that be a issue? Its not breaking the stalks or anything just moving them around alittle.
  12. P

    Flowers turning brown/Leafs crumbling w Pics

    In soil - root aphid organics Temps stay around 68-80F PH is at 6.3 Using X-Nutrients with ZHO, Sea Green,CAL-MAX Flowering day 11 some of the leafs on one of my plants are decaying and a few of the flowers are turning brown on the same plant. Most of the nugs look good except like 1 or 2. If...
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    Root Aphid Killler

    Yea i just wanted to know if permethrin/pyrethrin was safe to use during flower. I have read tons of posts of people saying it is. The label says its good up to day of harvest im just skeptical and dont want to smoke poison or give it to my friends with poison.
  14. P

    Root Aphid Killler

    Has anyone that had RA grown in the same room? If so what did you do to kill them all off. Im thinkin after these plants are done i'm going to tear down all my mylar and spray bleach on the walls/floors/ceiling drop a few bombs/foggers let it sit for 2 days and repeat it again. I have a open...
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    Gettin Closer

    Pest/disease free clones are pretty good sellers, i wont buy anymore MMJ from dispensarys only clones and hash.
  16. P

    Root Aphid Killler

    100 views no one knows if this shits nuclear waste? I only did 2 outa 8 plants as the other 6 had none in the root balls yet. Heres the 2 i did they looked so healthy for having RA infestation.
  17. P

    Root Aphid Killler

    Found out 2 good ways of killing them. 1)Light them on fire :fire: 2)Kill-a-bug 2 permethrin i belive its 2 or 2.5% Has anyone used this stuff before? Im about 7 days into flowering and 2 of my plants have root aphids very bad. Did a soaking with Kill-A-Bug 2 and this kills them fast, does...
  18. P

    Root Aphids?

    So i checked all the bottoms/rootballs and no aphids in the soil. I seen about 3 more gnats runnin around in the soil checked a few of them under microscope and they are def not aphids they are gnats. Really long no spikes on their asses and multi colored black/white. Gonna push on with this...
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    Humidity Problems, tried everything...I think

    I had very low RH probs my first 2 weeks of veg 0-10%. Hanging towels worked for like 10% increases but its a mess and a hassel when they dry out every 2 hours. I bought...
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    Root Aphids?

    Lights come on in 1 hour i have been watching them like a hawk will post pics.