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  1. D

    too hot and dry?

    venting through 2 cool tubes still not working well enough
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    too hot and dry?

    i have a closet grow and just cant seem to rid the heat adequately!. its 3.5x5.5 x 8 tall. The temp when lights are off are between 70 and 75 once the lights are on the room is about 85-90 with a 32-34% humidity. i have a portable ac in the room running 24/7 and still cant keep it cool enough.
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    ph Fluctuation Like Crazy Help

    could it have something to do with running an airstone in the res i never ran it in there in my previous grows
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    ph Fluctuation Like Crazy Help

    i am running house and garden aqua flakes A and B and all additives wich i have used in the past and the ph was always very stable. now every time the lights come back on the PH plummits to about 5.2 or 5.3. i am going throught PH up quickly every morning i dont get it, ill PH back o about 5.7...
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    COCO Water cycle

    yeah im using house and garden line aqua flakes and all the additives, i have done a bunch of rockwool and expanded clay harvest but new to the coco, just trying to feel it out as far as water cycles
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    COCO Water cycle

    just switched to coco for the first time on my new grow what is a decent watering cycle to start out at, right now i am doing top feed drip in 3 gal buckets for 3 minutes every 3 hours
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    ventilation humidity and temp question.

    i am venting the air out, im asking if the air the ac is sucking in and exhausting is getting rid of stale stagnent air, or do i need another fan because it pumps quite a bit of air through the exhaust.
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    ventilation humidity and temp question.

    well yeah its possible to keep running all the time but its not venting air out of the room directly.... it goes from ac exhaust to fist lamp to second lamp to fan to attic, so essentially the ac needs to be on, but i think the air that the ac sucks in and blows through the hot exhause is...
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    ventilation humidity and temp question.

    temp is sustained now at about 79 and humidity of 48 while lights are on but that is constantly running the ac, my 6 hrs of darkness are from noon to 6 pm because of the increased temps in the afternoon. still unsure if i should run the ac when dark to keep the temp down. is it really bad for...
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    ventilation humidity and temp question.

    right now i have 2 cool tubes 1000 watt running in my closet. i have a 6"vortex sucking air through them venting into the attic. i also have a portable ac in the room and the heat exhaust i ran into the other end of the cool tube so the fan sucks all the heat from the lights and the ac out and...
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    Temperature/ Humidity

    right now i am at 84degrees with 42% humidity. i am running an ac in there and if i urn the ac off after lights out the temp actually rises at night. curious if that is bad.. should i run ac all night? or will running a vent fan make this better than running ac all night
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    HELP just FIM'd a couple days ago at 18" tall and starting to flower

    didnt mean cfl meant florescents sorry for the confusion
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    HELP just FIM'd a couple days ago at 18" tall and starting to flower

    got them from a breeder about this size... ther were under 4ft cfl's befor now they are under 1600 watts of hps.. lights are about 12 -16 inches above tops air cooled cool tubes
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    HELP just FIM'd a couple days ago at 18" tall and starting to flower

    Here is a look at them right now ....the strain is Larrys Dream
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    HELP just FIM'd a couple days ago at 18" tall and starting to flower

    thanks ganja golden appreciate the insight!
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    HELP just FIM'd a couple days ago at 18" tall and starting to flower

    just did alot of research on the internet about fimming this is my first attempt with it and curious to see how it goes.. i normally sea of green short cycles but this time im trying the theory less is more with 10 big mamas
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    HELP just FIM'd a couple days ago at 18" tall and starting to flower

    okay thanks, yeah i know its not a good idea to flip them now just making sure that i should stay with the 18 6 sched so they get a full week if healing if not more
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    HELP just FIM'd a couple days ago at 18" tall and starting to flower

    i just clipped my tops a few days ago and mo girls are starting to flower. they are still on an 18 6.. i dont know if i should keep the lights on 18 6 for another week or flip to 12 12 now. generally i kno the lower branches need time to grow after fimming otherwise it was pointless to do...
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    My New Grow Space

    thats what i figured, i know 1 1000 would work but 2 600's seems like it would be better a few more watts and a better spread of light. i was just seeking opinions to make sure its over kill to jump up to 2 1000's in each room
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    My New Grow Space

    so you think 1 1000 in each room would be more efficient than 2 600's in each? i also have AC for the room to keep the temp down