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  1. cannaboy

    Accidental Grower!

    looks like it was choked to death..i think it's dead
  2. cannaboy

    Pix That Make You LOL-Warning-SNWS
  3. cannaboy

    Pix That Make You LOL-Warning-SNWS
  4. cannaboy

    Trippy Picture

    You guys rock!!..I was curious to find out what stumble upon last night I checked it out..and it's a GOLD MINE!!..really a fun little feature...hours upon hours of crazy fun informative stuff. Rep+ to all of you guys^^^
  5. cannaboy

    Week 9: Bagseed. How Long till Harvest? Pics Attached

    I agree with treduece..looks like a sativa so maybe 3 weeks give or take a week. plus a week of flush.
  6. cannaboy

    Pix That Make You LOL-Warning-SNWS
  7. cannaboy

    Pix That Make You LOL-Warning-SNWS

    I think your right. Thanx for your honesty. You should be a mod.
  8. cannaboy

    Is Your Life So Bad You Have To Meditate?

    I guess people have different definitions of meditation. I've come to learn that meditation is more than just quieting the mind. It goes deep into the awareness of what you really are at the inner most level. Meditation shouldn't have any effect on how you live your daily life, as in it...
  9. cannaboy

    PC Grow Case CFL

    Yup, thesaltonsea called it right. I see pistols too!
  10. cannaboy

    Trippy Picture

    This effect sometimes happens when I look at my keyboard a certain way. Good post guys.
  11. cannaboy

    First Time Grower Cfl Cabinet

    Very nice.
  12. cannaboy

    Recent Tornado Outbreak Including My Theory Behind The Joplin, MO Tornado

    I don't trust anything CNN says or reports. From what I have heard they are being controlled and they are just one of the many that are being carefully why would the reporters all of a sudden start putting out information like this about whats going on?..did "they" loosen thier grip...
  13. cannaboy

    Update! 2 Weeks into Flowering. First Grow. Check Out The Girls. Comment Please!

    I wouldn' risk stressing her and you mightwalk into the grow one day and see that you have a hermi.
  14. cannaboy

    Is it Ready for Harvest? Please Help!

    You are at the cusp of harvest. I would like to get stoned though. That 7 day wait might be worth it in the end.
  15. cannaboy

    Various Hallucinogens

    Speaking of the Ayahuasca. If you have a an hour or so to spare. This is a great video to watch. I've known about DMT for a few years (never tried it) I plan to try it one day. Any thing that gives me the chance for introspection..not to mention a visual introspection..I wouldn't mind trying it...
  16. cannaboy

    Never Ever Dance At The Jefferson Memorial

    To be honest. Non of this police state stuff effects me in my day to day so for all I know it's just a television show. But I don't watch television either. I just live in a self created bubble of positivity. TRying to figure out what life is all about. Some people have it figured all out... I...
  17. cannaboy

    Never Ever Dance At The Jefferson Memorial Here we go. We are almost there..Just a little more sleep..
  18. cannaboy

    Never Ever Dance At The Jefferson Memorial

    Since were on the subject.