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  1. L

    10th week auto how she looking ?

    Just some LST she’s the biggest auto I’ve ever had I’m completely blessed
  2. L

    10th week auto how she looking ?

    It’s says 75 days from seed but it also said that the plant size was 3ft mine is a little over 4 ft so it’s definitely gonna take longer I’ve been flowering for 5 weeks now she’s started flowering on its 5th week
  3. L

    10th week auto how she looking ?

    10th week on my auto blue cheese suppose to finish us 11 weeks doesn’t look like it to me what u guys think? The buds should get fatter ?? I hope
  4. L

    Auto blue cheese close to harvest

    Yea I figured the samething says 75 days there’s no way this will be done by next week
  5. L

    Auto blue cheese close to harvest

    Better piks
  6. L

    Auto blue cheese close to harvest

    10th week on Friday says she’s a 75days but I think she’s gonna go longer will my buds get fatter ?
  7. L

    Will my buds get bigger ? 4th week flower

    Means that it needs some ? Or I gave it too much ?
  8. L

    Will my buds get bigger ? 4th week flower

    Can you guys help me with this the top part of my plants has yellow leaves why
  9. L

    Will my buds get bigger ? 4th week flower

    Yea it’s says it’s 75 days so let’s see
  10. L

    Will my buds get bigger ? 4th week flower

    Autoflower Blue cheese On my 9th week since seed 4th week flowering will my buds get fatter?? 600watt hps 7gallon smart pot Advance nutrients
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    8th week blue cheese auto pictures!

    About 3 more weeks to go
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    Blue cheese auto week 7 HUGE !!!

    Barney’s farm
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    Blue cheese auto week 7 HUGE !!!

    Going into week 7 and this has been my biggest auto I’ve done check her out
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    Week 6 auto blue cheese getting big !

    Week 2 of flower
  15. L

    How do I get rid of this bug !

    I just found this in a web under a leaf on my auto
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    Sour kush from Canuk topped here got a bunch a tops in return how she look ?
  17. L

    Why are my leaves getting yellow spots HELP ?

    So far I’ve only seen like 2-3 leaves spotting I’ll will post better pikz asoon as I get home lower and upper leaves have gotten the spots so I just give it some cal mag ?
  18. L

    Why are my leaves getting yellow spots HELP ?

    No I don’t use RO been using tap water since day one ph usually 6.2-6.5 growing with advanced nutrients and fox farm ocean forest