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  1. Skunk Baxter

    Sugar water and honey feed

    This was really the best and most useful post in this thread. Sugars themselves are not useful to plants because the molecule is too large, and can not be taken up by the root. But beneficial microorganisms are useful to plants, and sugars are useful to beneficial microorganisms - as long as...
  2. Skunk Baxter

    Sugar water and honey feed

    I fail to see the problem as long as you're using organic cocaine. I always use organic cocaine, because it would be unethical to do otherwise. Organic grape soda, too - for the purple strains.
  3. Skunk Baxter

    Is there so such thing as TOO much light?

    Definitely. One of my lights is 38-40 watts per square foot, and the other is 47. The one that gets 38-40 watts is more than good enough; I'd be happy spreading the other one out to cover more square footage too, if I could. But I can't, because it's a tent. I consider a lot of that light wasted...
  4. Skunk Baxter

    What should i run with canna A+B?

    I'll usually use MOAB (Mother Of all Blooms), but sometimes PK 13/14. I get good results either way. I believe MOAB gives me better yield than the PK 13/14, but if so it's within the margin of error, so it's hard to be sure.
  5. Skunk Baxter

    The Official Canna Coco & Nutrients Thread

    That's really good to know, and I'm going to take note of that. What's the finish, and how does it bud up for lollipop grows? I'm always on the hunt for higher CBD strains; how does it measure up there?
  6. Skunk Baxter

    Plants to tall in flower now for ceiling

    No need to reveg them. They'll be fine. It's better not to yank 'em back and forth, really.
  7. Skunk Baxter

    Switching to 12/12 instantly or gradually?

    20/4 straight to 12/12 for me. I keep things simple.
  8. Skunk Baxter

    5x5 Grow Tent and Yields

    I have a 4.5x4.5 tent, and I run a sea of green. Coco, with a 1000W light. My last 3 runs with that setup have all been around 2.5 pounds. You probably won't hit that first time out, but after you've got a few runs under your belt, it's quite feasible.
  9. Skunk Baxter

    The Official Canna Coco & Nutrients Thread

    Actually, on one of them I do have glass on the light, because of the way my filter is set up. I get better heat control sucking through the light fixture, although I'm thinking of reconfiguring that one now that we're heading into cooler months. The other is a bare bulb, but I don't notice a...
  10. Skunk Baxter

    The Official Canna Coco & Nutrients Thread

    Holy shit. I just calculated it out for the first time, cuz that didn't sound right. It's actually 1.7 grams per watt. Never worked it out before. Fuck. That can't be right, can it? Now way. Let me do this again.... OK, yeah, 1.12. That's a lot more reasonable.
  11. Skunk Baxter

    The Official Canna Coco & Nutrients Thread

    1000W Hortilux is what I use.
  12. Skunk Baxter

    The Official Canna Coco & Nutrients Thread

    Yeah, when I first started with Canna, I was blasting the poor babies with around 1200 PPM for a while there. The plants were growing so fast I thought I was having some sort of Jack and The Beanstalk nightmare. Within days, I saw clear signs of nute burn, and backed way off. I typically run...
  13. Skunk Baxter

    The Official Canna Coco & Nutrients Thread

    Wow! That's amazing that you're pumping Canna nutes so high and still need any calmag. I only run it at about 1/3 to 1/2 strength, and I rarely use calmag - maybe every week or two to give it a little boost now and then. I bought a pint bottle a year ago, and it's only half gone. Not saying...
  14. Skunk Baxter

    5200 watt in grow tent, help please...

    I think if I could give just one word of advice to newer growers, it would be don't plan for yield. Just plan the most efficient and sensible grow you can in the space you have available. If you do it right and get it dialed in, the yield will follow, but if you're shooting for megapoundage...
  15. Skunk Baxter

    The Official Canna Coco & Nutrients Thread

    Sorry; didn't mean to condescend. Oh yeah - those are definitely filling out nicely. Week 5? You are certainly on the right track.
  16. Skunk Baxter

    5200 watt in grow tent, help please...

    Oh, yeah, that's a good point. Didn't think of that. Something was nagging at me about those container sizes and the plant count, but I didn't stop to think. With that many big buckets crammed in so close, you won't be able to move in there at all, and with a tent that size you won't be able to...
  17. Skunk Baxter

    The Official Canna Coco & Nutrients Thread

    I don't pay any attention at all to Canna's schedule; it's meaningless. Every strain has different finishing times, and Canna has no way to know what your strain needs and when it needs it. You can ruin your whole run really easy by relying on Canna's schedule instead of reading your plants. You...
  18. Skunk Baxter

    Plants to tall in flower now for ceiling

    Time to get good at canopy management. You should probably try to bend each of them down into the gaps between the plants, in a sort of spiral pattern.
  19. Skunk Baxter

    The Official Canna Coco & Nutrients Thread

    Are those recent pics? What week are you at? Those plants look nice, but they've got a long way to go.
  20. Skunk Baxter

    5200 watt in grow tent, help please...

    You forgot to include a smoke detector for when your plants burst into flames. I just calculated that out in my head, and came up with over 1.2 watts per square foot. Is there a reason you want to hit your plants that hard? You could really do a 12x12 room with that many photons, and the heat in...