Search results

  1. Grandma's boy

    Liberal Lies On Health Care I

    We already have "massive competition", and rates haven't came down, and people still can't get coverage. There are hundreds of health insurance companies doing business in the U.S. And I'm not sure what your idea of "low rates" is.
  2. Grandma's boy

    Liberal Lies On Health Care I

    This is a very simplistic answer that ignores reallity. "You want to protect consumers? Do it the same way we protect consumers of dry cleaning, hamburgers and electricians: Give them the power to tell their insurance companies, "I'm taking my business elsewhere."
  3. Grandma's boy

    Liberal Lies On Health Care I

    And these insurance companies do everthing they can to keep from paying claims, including changing their mailing addresses on a regualr basis, without having their mail forwarded. They are also the ones "second guessing" your Doctor, and requiring referrals to see specialist.
  4. Grandma's boy

    Liberal Lies On Health Care I

    You need to get a job in the medical billing field, then you would learn the truth. There are hundreds of health insurance companies doing business in this country. Competition among them has not brought premiums down, nor has it made health insurance more available to people with...
  5. Grandma's boy

    is my knowledge about harvest time right??

    aziathic89, Perfect timing on the thread. I read the tutoral to and thought the same thing. I also have too much money rapt up in this, which ended up with one female, to buy one of those expensive magnifiers. Good link, tells me everything I needed to know. It's time for my first...
  6. Grandma's boy


    Oops! It was Home Depot. Just burned one.:eyesmoke:
  7. Grandma's boy


    Ya Went to Lowe's got clip lights and 150 watt softwhite CFLs-2700K Works good.:peace:
  8. Grandma's boy

    Michigan MMJ

    I probably shouldn't even ask, but what county? If you don't want to say, I understand.
  9. Grandma's boy

    opinion on LSD

    Acid is fun...too fun. I quit doing it before it took over.;-) Same as coke. I realized it could get on top of me, so I quit.:peace:
  10. Grandma's boy

    Dad passed away, Plant problem?

    Thanks for the replies. Lifes getting back to normal, I hope. Probably try a SOG grow the next time.
  11. Grandma's boy

    Dad passed away, Plant problem?

    Went to Fla. Sat. the 26Th(?) because my Dad was sick. I'm down to one female plant in flower that I left in my Wife's care. Things didn't go very good in Fla. and my Dad passed away on Memorial Day. We just had the funeral yesterday. During all the running around and planning the...
  12. Grandma's boy

    24hr lighting

    The medical grow site I visit recommends using 24/7. It worked well for my plants during veg.:peace:
  13. Grandma's boy

    Removing Males

    Funny, I just used the search function with a specific question about male plants. A whole page of threads with titles that do not have anything to do with my question came up. Most of them are 5-20 pages long. Hard to find an answer reading through that many threads. So the search...
  14. Grandma's boy

    early misty germed in MG Potting Soil ??

    Uh, I'm on my first grow so I'm no expert, but I think you are going to need light. I didn't germ mine, just planted them in MG moisture control, with the light about 4 inches away, on 24/7 and they both sprouted within a week. I started with a lot less light than I should have had.:peace:
  15. Grandma's boy

    What things have happen to you at your dealers place?

    Somethin similar happened to me in the early 80s. I went with my roomate and his cousin over to his dealers house. We burn one with the dealer and his wife and then she gets up and leaves the room. Dealer leaves the room for about 10minutes and then comes back in, walks over to me and...
  16. Grandma's boy

    How do i grow short plants?

    I hear ya. Newer people are always told to use the search function. The problem is it pulls up 10 threads that are 20 pages long and the info can be anywhere in those threads or it is just a couple of related words that don't really tell you anything. It is a pain in the ass to find the...
  17. Grandma's boy

    I Think I Found A Good Stoner Job

    It sounds like you are well educated and are good at doing research. Have you look into Internet marketing? I have a ghostwriting business. Lets me stay home and work for customers. I can make my own schedule, up to a point.:peace:
  18. Grandma's boy

    Best in the World? Why can't I get high?

    Good thread. I've been wonder'in about this for a while. I can remember in my teens sit'n around staring at the wall or watching the program schedule on the TV (when cable first came out) scroll for an hour or more. Course we had "power hitters" and bongs and every other kind of...
  19. Grandma's boy

    Michigan MMJ

    Yea, it should keep getting better here. I ran into a friend with a masters degree in horticulture, who's really up on the new law. He said he would get me the paper work download and that he knows a Dr in the area that's "friendly". I saw in the paper today that one of the cities in S...
  20. Grandma's boy

    Michigan MMJ

    WhooHoo! I'm no longer a stranger.