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  1. anony42017

    Droopy Leaves

    I'm cutting back on the water and I've noticed that they are not curling/droopy as much. Still a little droopy but i definitely see some improvement. I'm going to go ahead and wait untill the leaves stop drooping and then water it which would be three days or so from now. I usually water every...
  2. anony42017

    Seedling growing fast..Help!

    Thanks for the advice, I'm keeping two CFL's close to the seedlings. What's the estimated time do you think i would get ready to transplant based on those pictures? My guess is a week or two?
  3. anony42017

    Enjoying RIU A lot :)

    Enjoying RIU A lot :)
  4. anony42017

    First PRO attempt at a fat personal stash..LED

    Where's the ducting going through? It looks like something is attached to it above the ceiling? Also just curious how many fans do you have in there?
  5. anony42017

    7 winners will get their dose of Medical Seeds prizes in our latest competition!

    Count me In! I'd be amazed to win knowing it's my first time ever winning anything online :D Thankyou!
  6. anony42017

    Seedling growing fast..Help!

    So I germinated seeds a few days ago and planted them in small seed starter pot but my question is when do i transplant them? I understand that i would need a good root system to develop but when do you think would be the best time to transplant them so they don't get root bound because it is in...
  7. anony42017

    Droopy Leaves

    What do you think is the issue with this plant? I think the drooping might have to do with a little transport shock but i handled it carefully so it should be OK. What would explain the purple dark stems??
  8. anony42017

    Droopy Leaves on Clone Day 9

    Hey everybody I'm on my second week of Veg and It's been nine days and i have noticed some growth but I am worried a lot about how the plant is growing right now because I'm seeing the leaves getting droopy and the stem is purple. I hope i didn't over water!(Pretty sure I didn't but what would...
  9. anony42017

    Social anxiety and YOU

  10. anony42017

    My First Determined Grow with CFL

    Thanks Will do.
  11. anony42017

    My First Determined Grow with CFL

    Thank you for the tip and I'm going to put the lights closer and cut back on watering as well because i had a feeling i may have been over watering.
  12. anony42017

    My First Determined Grow with CFL

    Thank you! I think i have been watering a little too much. I just barley started feeding the plant as well and this time used less so that's a good thing. I'm over 18+ years and nothing is going to blow up, that's ridiculous. My set up is fine and i know exactly what i am doing just would love...
  13. anony42017

    Using cannabis the correct way

    Hey everyone when do you like to medicate and when is the best time to? I feel like i only smoke if needed like a reward for a couple tasks that i may have been stressing over and have accomplished. It's a great feeling when you are in that zone doing whatever you do even better with positive...
  14. anony42017

    Social anxiety and YOU

    Haha nice but how can you deal with ignorant people? One does not simply understand.
  15. anony42017

    Quiet. The Neighbors Can Hear You (Sound Control Thread)

    How the fuck is this not obvious lol? That fan is coming out the window right? Can't people clearly see that. Hmm.
  16. anony42017

    New member says "Hello"

  17. anony42017

    Much research ahead...

    Hello everyone I just started my investment in mj! :clap: It's really interesting to me and understanding it is why I've joined. Knowledge is power and that's one of the reason I've began to start growing mj is to really just educate myself better. I'm really interested in the whole process and...
  18. anony42017

    What did you accomplish today?

    I started my first investment in growing mj.
  19. anony42017

    My First Determined Grow with CFL

    Hi everyone, I'm new here on RIU and I've recently started to grow and i was wondering if I'm doing everything correctly or at least if it will work because I've been doing quite a lot of research but I'm new to this all. Anyways I started on Friday of 5/6/2016 and i got two clones feminized...