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  1. C

    should i try... lsd??

    i also come from a state thats by a darry state, so the shrooms i get are not growen in cat shit in some ones bath room
  2. C

    should i try... lsd??

    lol true that but why did you tell him that
  3. C

    omg want weeeeeeed!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    omg want weeeeeeed!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  4. C

    The Shot Glass Grow Off - Contest Growers ONLY!

    lol dude i got a good set up done in like 2 days you could almost harvest in 58 days
  5. C

    should i try... lsd??

    there yummy :mrgreen: but do it in a safe place not wile oporating any thing that can kill you or some one else
  6. C

    The Shot Glass Grow Off - Contest Growers ONLY!

    just started to germ my seeds i got 4 seeds to start with hope the crack. my mini grow boxs looks soo frikin sick in my eyes( cuz its my first) ill post some picks latter. Ps i am lerning how to roll woooooooootbongsmilie
  7. C

    should i try... lsd??

    dude try shrooms first to get the feel of the type of trip and if you feel the trips to hard core for you drink some whole fat milk and just chill. the fat in the milk will reduce the trip alot and make you feel better. and if your unsure about it dont do it on till you are 100% about it. i have...
  8. C

    my ghetto grow first grow

    well i am about to start my first grow, and its going to be one hell of a ghetto grow. im growing inside, in a cardboard box, with a homemade fan and 1 cfl light i had in my house. like i said ghetto. i will be using bage seeds, and i am going to grow em in a shot glass. (check out this thread...
  9. C

    my plans for stealth grow

    thx man helped quite alot i just got done making my first gheto grow box, just to practice growing. but i will look how to make a carbon scrubber
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    The Shot Glass Grow Off - Contest Growers ONLY!

    wooot almost finished with my first grow box it is so frikin gheto, lol, i made it out of a card bord box the fan that i have on it is made of a pop can and a 6v dc motor. tin foil and computer paper for reflective sides and i will have 1 23watt 2700k cfl. like i said gheto as hell, fist run...
  11. C

    The Shot Glass Grow Off - Contest Growers ONLY!

    you have had some verry nice plants it is to bad that your other two laddys died of dehydration:sad:
  12. C

    Party Cup CFL Grow

    Hey sicc how is your shot glass plant coming for you
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    The Shot Glass Grow Off - Contest Growers ONLY!

    Hey i have just finished reading this whole thing and i was thinking of trying it out. I have a shit load of bag seeds from some mid grade buds, and i also have alot of empty pill bottles. So if its ok with you guys and girl i would like to try this out with you all. Ps i like sharpies idea of...
  14. C

    Party Cup CFL Grow

    nice grow i am about to start my first grow. hope you get a good yeild.:leaf:
  15. C

    my plans for stealth grow

    thx man, i have read up a bit on the breeding and such but i only understood like 90% of what i was reading. i under stand the breeding of two diffrent strains more than just geting the seeds from the same type of strain. btw have you growen diesel rider before? cuz i have been reading up on it...
  16. C

    cfl what do i need?

    i was thinking that i couls lst a non autoflowering plant to yeild more.
  17. C

    my plans for stealth grow

    so if i was to get some joint doc. seeds could i breed a male and a female to get more of those type seeds?:?:
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    I have no idea whats going on?

    I have no idea whats going on?
  19. C

    cfl what do i need?

    what is the recomended hight?