Yea I ran 2 cans through the o. And I really want some autos but my ol lady won't have Me growing in the house only outside and I ran out real quick this year. I just bought a tent. Need the hps. And I'm bilding a mini fridge. What she doesent know won't hurt her
So we ran out of smoke the other night and I went through my box and low and behold I found a bag that we maid butane hash with. Now this is some mid grade smoke that I really dident want to make hash with but for 50 an o what the hell. Hash turned out ok. But does aneyone thank it would get you...
Get some clear plastic cups. Scotch tape. Peat pellets. Cfl light. Spray bottle.rooting hormone. Soak your peat pellets in water then squeeze excess water out you want them damp put it in the plastic cups then take your cuttings make shure you make that cut underwater then dip it into your...
Dude I would do a google picture surch you can get relly far there. I was having the same problem I just mixed some new fox farm soil with some worm castings on Friday and there doing great
Most deffentley will you like pictures and I love taking them. All of the mystery sprouted and the kana. Ill give them another week then if nothing happens ill get in touch with nervana. Heard they had cool coustmer service. Hell I don't have aneyone I can show aneyway. So ill keep you informed...
Yganks for the reply. I was thanking about gitting 3 more. I have them in a cooler right now. Lol I know but it works. I'm not having aney luck with the blackberry they have been in the paper for a week just hope they make it.
Damn chb. I'm so fucking jealous. Hay I was wandering if I could start seedlings with a 65 w 200 w equivalent cfl. I'm trying it but wanted to know what you thought. There going outside as soon as there redy. There kana gold. Black berry. Mystery. From nervana. And nine lives. My favorite
Hay sorry the first reply was short. I ordered some got them in 7 days. As far as descreat well my old lady loves the smoke but doesent approve of the growing. So if she dident find them I don't thank your parents will. Hope I helped
I would do it sooner rather than later but I understand the heastation. I always stick to at least a 3 gallon pot but a 5 will do grate from start to finnish I do it an haven't had aney problems yet. But I'm outside. I wouldent cut aney of the roots just loosen them gentletly there real...
whats up. She's looking good as a mother. If I were you ide transplant her before you stunt the bitch you wouldent want a herme but I thought if she pollenated herself you would get femed seeds.
Girls girls girls. Lol I love girls. Hay I've been calling the pistols pistons for years. And I get corrected all the time. But fuck it who cares everyone knows what your talking about
Hay your ww is looking badass. I just can't beleave the light setup lol looks kool. And I wouldent give up on the mystery girl I've had plants that looked worse and still pushed out some nice nugs. So have you heard aneything on the job interview. Hope you get it
I'm gladd to hear that your interview went well. I hope you get the job. Ive been a little worried that it wouldent be that good but you just maid my day. So have you seen one alive or just smoke and what did it look like.
Well I ordered some blackberry. And some kaya gold femed. There outdoor shit. I can't waight till spring. Well got to go to work. And good luck with your job interview