I came to realize the same thing... The problem is not with Additude, I still order all my seeds through them... Im placing an order today, but I will never grow any of Barneys strans in the future... Barney had nothing to say to my emails.:-(
Mutated seeds have been around since so many growers use Dupont funguside benelate this has been an issue sence 1999 as far as I know. The product was pulled and MANY settlements were made, my cusin had a Orchid farm with thousands of plants and all came out mutated...so they contacted Dupont...
Finaly I see post popping up on most of the different forums and im not crazy...Barneys is selling mutated seeds... Just google Barneys seeds mutated and you will see there are many reporting mutated plants from different strans from Barneys....:-(
Just a heads up there are other post here that talk about Barneys Farm seeds are mutated....now even the Tangerine dream are reported in post that they are also creating mutated plants from there seeds! BE WARRENED:-(:-(:twisted:
I also tried Barneys Farm Acapuco gold 30 seeds all mutated plants from the seeds that sprouted.... big waste of time and money Barneys seeds are. Just a point contacted Barneys about the problem with mutation with no responce....BE FAIR WARRNED
I am current living in Texas, I have a 10 x 20 shade cloth shade house. I am currently growing several strans most of which are heat resedent, it has been 100* or higher the last week and all is doing well iin %50 shade envirment. I also have a indoors bud room 8 x 8 and 2 closets 1 for mothers...
Just remimber there are 17 states where you can grow... the true problem with using additude is they are not responsable for the quality,genetic background and anything to do with sprouting the seeds. The middleman is a cop out , I got burned 3 times by Barney's farm and additude did...
Well I though after 2 years of busness this would never happen to me....
Up till now Additude has stood behind the seed growers....not so
I have sprouted 30 seeds 15 at a time of the Acapulco Gold seeds and have had nothing but mutated leaves on all plants from both orders.
I have been...
I have an 8 x 8 bloom room, 1 closet for rooting clones and another for mataining the mother plants .....my 12 bucket ebb and flow system works like a champ. Im retired and live at home with a lovley wife of 34 years of marrage. I also am trying out my 10 x 20 shade house for some big plants and...
I have to date cracked,sprouted in soil cups then into hydro 30 of these seeds....
Most sproted but all had mutated leaves....there answer to the problem is send more of the bad seeds....$180 down the drain:cry::cry::cry:
I have 35 years experance of growing ths wonderful herb.
:cry: Barney's seeds... WARNING Acapulco Gold seeds are mutated
I have tryed to grow from seed this strand....all seeds/plants show signs of mutation in over 30 seeds sprouted..... I have owned and ran 3 nurserys in the last 35 years and the only time I have seen such mutation was from using...
I have been growing for some 30 years,I run a 8 x 8 bloom room, to closets one for cloning the other for mother plants.... and now a 10 x 20 shade house for the summer grows. In all cases I ph the water to 5.75 through out there life cycle. I use Dutchmasters gold and cal-mag that keeps the...
well we finaly moved the Lonestar Blue Haven in to the grow schedule its been sence last year that I made this cross. Me and another indoor grower are working all year on stablizing the strand... so in the near future we can have a seed crop for future grows. So far everyone that was luckey...
here's a pick of a LBH that a Friend in Canada who is raising the strand....the plant has never pinched....check it out
I have recived feedback that the cross is very potent , with the help of another Grower in Canada we are stablizing the strand so we can in the the near future we will have a...
I havent gone anywhere just don't go to 420 magazen any more sence they baned me and the wife for life.... big deal... yes im around and having a great time creating this new strand Lonestar Blue Heaven. Anytime you want to chat or something you can google my name Oldgrowerdude and you can see...
I have tried the AG of the earlier 70's and the stuff would kick your a@s I am now growing Barnyes AG and looks good. The only thing that bothers me is the 70 to 80 cm in hight dosen't sound like any sative doment to me....
Ive cloned from a clone for years.... I do clone from a clone of the earlier cut. I grew NL x Skunk for 3 years , thats 3 grows a year sometimes i can get 4 in but it depends on the strand type...I have owned and run 3 nurserys over he past 30 years and also grown my crops for me and my family.