just done some pruning of lower fan leaves. first two pics are of the 6 weekers at the back. i have high hopes for these girls. last pic shows the how big 5 of last 9 to go in have got. i had to move 1 of them it was about 2 inches from the bulb. others will need moving soon i reckon. not...
cheers pal. i'm not the best person to ask on h2o2 use. i've got some stuff called pythoff which i used for a small time on my last grow but fixing the cause and not the symptoms worked better. this grow i have not used any other than for sterilising stuff.
took off a lower bud from that big cola. i've smoked all the runt already :weed:.
pic attached.
gypsy, i read that post. many thanks. i think my 9 weekers may need 12 or more :fire:.
it'll be worth the weight tho. (hehe spot the pun)
bought another submersible air pump for the rez, some...
pic 1 is a of the 9 weeker at the back. took some doing but i got a pic. the plants in front are big enough now to handle being barged aside. in fact a number have got so tall i'm worried they'll hit the light.
pic 2 shows an overall shot. the plant in pic 1 is in the back left hand corner...
hopefully not just me bongsmilie.
i am thinking tho i'll need to go longer than 10weeks on the first batch. there are no signs of the hairs going brown.
might have to stump up for a microscope.
9 weeks complete for the first 4, although the runt got chopped a couple of days ago. first pic is of her roots. second and third are of the two at the front of the tent, coming along very nicely. flash went off in pic two :weed:.
third pic, the full tent.
use the net pots if you're gonna suspend them in the lid. if you're not using the lid then just use standard pots.
my current setup has no lid on the plant tray but i do have a lid and have contemplated using it and net pots in the future.
i went off the idea of a perpetual coz they would all share the same tank. and having the males messed up my timings. i was going to do 5 plants every 3 weeks and harvest at end of week 9.
that may still happen as i've had no problems with the pk13/14 at full dose on the 9 latest plants .