i must agree with people saying they dried out. Checking up on your grow once a month just wont cut it. there comes a dry period and your plants end up like this. imo they were probably already dead from underwatering even before those colder days. if not they were at least halfdead and in...
looks fairly interesting :)
Oh and about the pictures and secutiry use TOR and be sure to remove the metadata from your pictures. some cameras even leave GPS location footprint in metadata. Exifcleaner is a good program.
Happy to tune in! all looking good :).
i only used my dr 120 for veg but 800w is supposed to be perfect for dr120. i flower in my dr150 i have a picture of a plant grown that style here https://www.rollitup.org/indoor-growing/285620-club-600-a-4523.html#post7898680
if weather is bad thats probably the reason why. I live in colder climates and here people have to cut it early or finish it inside if they get a bad summer/fall. with colder temps lots of rain and high humidity and you have a risk of getting budrot. at least that is why most people here cut...
i think you can to this with realplayer aswell but not sure.
There are some awesome online sites where you just have to print the link and they convert it to mp3 for you. i used video2mp3 before and worked for me :)
maximum yield i would say 1.2 Grams per watt but i dont think you will get this much. experienced growers tend to get about 1g per watt of light but its not such a easy thing to do :).
For your area i would recommend more light. have a friend using the same setup and he have problems with...