grow room is an 8x8 office in the back of our house. one door leading outside opened occasionally to let in extra light. one window which is blocked off from all external light. door leading out into house is covered. use an inexpensive set up. a indoor/outdoor temperature gauge , temp stays...
the edges started looking a brownish/yellow color on the tips of the middle leaf. the next day the tips started to curl upwards and were dried out looking. I have another that started the same way but started on the bottom leaves. If its the heat wouldn't it start from the top?
iv got my temp down to a cool 72, im using an infrared thermometer and temps on the top leafs read 75.5, my fan is rotating maybe a foot an a half away from my plants. my grow room is 10 ft x 10 ft. my light is 6500k 85w maybe 5'' from my baby's puts out little to no heat. Im running her at 18/6...
I think it might be to late to separate one of theme, the roots are intertwined together and i am afraid if I try to repot it will kill one of them. is there a safe way to do that with out harming them? I really appreciate the REAL comments from my fellow stoners.
this is my second month and they were doing great looked very healthy, but about a week ago my leaves started turning brown only at the tip. I didn't think much of it. and a few days later BAM! there curling up into them self's and turning brown and there looking crispy. this is my second grow...