Seriously can't wait for that black russian review man.
I'd like to get my hands on the original Black Domina one day. Missed my chance to get some Ghost Train Haze.
Moving in to my place at the end of this month. Then I have to get my electrician friend to wire up the basement and we're good to grow!
Also still waiting on Attitude to ship them over, should be here before the place is ready though.
Bought some DS Black Russian. Waiting for you to harvest that bad boy.
Holy shit, also bought HSO Blue Dream so both plants are relevant and your BD looks beastly.
Okay so the seedlings have germed in the rockwool and I see the tap root.
Now do I lay one inch of hydroton and bring the water level to the bottom of the net pot and then put my RW cube in or lay two inches of hydro, then RW. I know I'm supposed to cover it to prevent the light from developing...