can any 1 help us plz my m8 has planted a plant its only bout 2 weeks old i told him not to feed it nutrients yet but he did lol it is starting to fall and the leaves are fading so i think the nutrients ahve burned it what can he do to keep it alive ?? wb asap plz
em ist not to hot i have a fan on it too they arent very hot hilogen buld there arent the hilogens u put outside ur front door lol just the buld i think they dont give off as much heat as to coz a fire tho and its only been under a the lights for nearly 2 weeks its is comin on ok but i was...
lol thnx em i have to hilogen bulds and a heat buld i had her at my window through the veg stage lol neva had a light at all untill i had close call with police lol thats y shes under lights now i dnt have much money so i will have to use these for now this is my first grow but my next will be...
em yeah 16 and my plant is under a light now and its defenatly a female its got loads of white pistols its just the shit cam i have that makes it look bad lol em could u tell me what kind of plant it could be because i got the seed from my m8 and he didnt even know what it is lol if u know i...
hi my plant has been in flowering for bout 2 weeks and i was wondering when i will get crystals and a good smell off it and also i read that when ur white pistols go orangey brown its ready but some of mine are goin orange is this normal i am still going to wait about a month or too lol to see...
thanks guys i have put it in the same soil as it was and i have put water in it till it driped out of the bottom i gave it some nutriants and i would have problems getin the ferts u said as i live in the uk and there is only 1 shop were i can get proper ferts from and its closed at this time lol...
hi i have just changed my pot to a bigger 1 i had to cut the pot open tht was fine but after i moved it pot i found a couple of routs not alot will this do anything to my plant or can i help it ??
thanks guys so i will let the soil dry out a bit then try slip it out if i dnt work i will cut the pot off a replant it , the soil i will use is the same but i dnt have any bloom fertilizer yet but i will get it asap